Cleaning of cast iron grids: a simple gesture, but essential to always keep them in shape and ready to give the best in the kitchen.
When you hear about cast iron gridsthe mind immediately runs to that homogeneous cooking that makes your mouth water just think about it. But there is a small detail that often goes into the background: the maintenance. Yes, because even the best grids need some attention. Time, fat, food residues … everything is deposited. And if you do not intervene with a minimum of regularity, here they lose nail polish and functionality.
It is often thought that keeping them clean is a long, boring matter, perhaps even a little complicated. But that’s not exactly the case. Indeed, with the right precautions it can be transformed into a fast routine, why not, almost relaxing. After all, there is something satisfactory to see a grid return like new, without effort and without dramas. It is worth knowing a couple of tips that make the difference.
Cleaning of cast iron grids: what to do (and what to avoid)
First unwritten rule: never wash the grids when they are still hot. The risk of ruining them with a thermal change is real, even if at first glance nothing is noticed. Better to wait a few more minutes and work at room temperature. At that point, you can leave them to soak for a few minutes in hot water and a little dish detergent. It is not needed. But be careful not to exaggerate: leaving them to soak for too long is not a good idea. The cast iron, by its nature, absorbs humidity and rust is always around the corner. Ten minutes, Massimo fifteen, are enough and advance. A soft sponge or a brush with delicate bristles are perfect for removing dirt. Everything scratching, better to leave it aside.
There are those who use baking soda, perhaps mixed with a drop of water to make a pasta. It works well, especially on the most incront residues. Even coarse salt, used with a light hand, makes its duty. Too aggressive products, however, better avoid them: they risk doing more damage than anything else. Once finished washing, the most important and often ignored moment comes: drying. Nothing to drain or even worse, dry in the air. You need a soft cloth, perhaps in microfibre, to eliminate all traces of water. A forgotten drop is enough to make the feared orange patina appear.
Seasoning of the cast iron grids: the little known make -up
A little secret that makes the difference? Seasoning. It is a simple, but really useful procedure for those who want to keep their cast iron in perfect condition. After cleaning, just pass a drizzle of oil over the entire surface, even in the corners. The oil must be neutral, of those who leave no odors.
Then away in the oven, at 180 ° C, for half an hour. The heat will fix the oil on the surface, creating a protective film that isolates the cast iron from humidity. The beauty is that this layer also helps during cooking: less attachments, less effort in cleaning later. Some repeat the treatment every month, others only when they notice that the grill is losing its shiny appearance.
Someone, between one use and another, adds another quick passage of oil, especially if you notice that the surface seems dry. It is not mandatory, but it can be useful for lengthening the life of the grids.
Practical tips to make them last long
Keep the cast iron grids He does not require who knows what commitment. It only serves a little constancy and the desire not to postpone. Better quick cleaning immediately, than a tiring job after weeks of neglect.
Some practical suggestions:
- After use, pass at least a cloth to remove the bulk
- Avoid dishwasher: too aggressive and too moist
- Store in a dry place, perhaps wrapped in a clean cloth
- Check the surface every now and then: if it appears opaque or rough, it’s time to act
It may seem like an exaggeration, but it is a bit like with the utensils of the past: the good ones last years, if treated with respect. And the cast iron, after all, is nothing more than a great classic of the kitchen.
Taking care of it is not just a duty. It is also a way to rediscover the beauty of certain solid, concrete materials that always work, without frills.
And when you understand that very little is enough to keep them at the top, it becomes almost a pleasure to do it. Just take your hand.
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