Scientists in China for the first time successfully transplanted the pig’s liver of human into a human body, lists the latest study. The organ began to produce bile and maintained a stable blood flow in the body. According to DPA, TASR informs about this.
Researchers from the Fourth Military Medical University of the Si-A-Aan used the liver of a miniature pig and genetically adjusted it to reduce the risk of the body’s rejection. Within ten days, the liver was performing basic functions such as blood flow, immune and inflammatory reactions.
Scientists believe that pig organs in this way can help patients with liver failure in the future waiting for human donors. “The liver obtained from a modified pig has worked for a very time in the human body. It is a great success,” said the author of the study Lin Wang.
The miniature pig had six genes altered, thanks to which his liver was able to operate in the human body. “The pig liver can survive together with the original person and may provide additional support,” added Wang.
Liver transplantation is the most effective treatment for the last stages of some diseasesbut the demand for the authority far exceeds its availability. Pigs are considered an alternative source of organs for people for comparable physiological functions and size.
The operation was preceded by more than ten years of research. In 2013, scientists for the first time transplanted the liver from the pig monkey. In the past, people have been able to transplant people’s kidneys and hearts successfully, but unlike them, the liver fulfills several vital functions in the body.