They choose the most efficient, more food and less rugged routes, they revealed 22 years of GPS location data from 157 Kenyan elephants.
African elephants plan their movements with precision far above what we thought, to save energy.
These animals (or at least those who live in northern Kenya) select their routes based on a combination of terrain, vegetation and water availability to change their siege in their search for food and water, according to a study at the Journal of Animal Ecology.
The University of Oxford study analyzed 22 years of location data by GPS of 157 elephants from that region, collected by the Save The Elephants Conservation Organization.
For them, it is essential to conserve energy in their long walks, given their huge size and great food need. The study revealed that 94% of elephants consistently avoided steep slopes and injured landscapes, especially when moving rapidly, and that 93% avoided these areas at high speed.
Elephants also prefer regions with higher vegetation productivity – areas that offer more foods in exchange for less travel. Although water availability influenced the routes, the elephants showed different behaviors: Some were near sources of water, while others moved further.
To evaluate these standards, researchers used a new modeling tool called Enerscape, which calculates energy costs based on the terrain and body mass of the elephant, explains. Combining the tool with satellite data to produce detailed energy landscapes. A statistical technique (steps selection functions) has allowed scientists to compare the routes chosen with alternative paths, helping to identify the main environmental factors that guide the movements of Savana giants.
“Although a more detailed investigation is necessary to fully understand how an elephant uses its habitat, this study identifies a central decision factor for travelers: saving energy whenever possible,” the study co -author said, said Fritz Vollrath.
“These new results have important implications for the evaluation and planning of conservation and restoration measures, such as dispersion corridors, explicitly accounting for the energy costs of the travel,” said the main researcher Emilio Berti.