Rhododendrons on the plot. How to care for a bush in spring?
They have beautiful flowers that delight everyone. Rhododendrons are one of the most popular decorative bushes found in Polish gardens. They belong to the heather family and naturally occur mainly from Asia, less often in Europe and America. Rhododendrons can be divided into two groups – rhododendrons and azaleas. The best time for their planting is early spring or autumn. This is mainly due to the fact that rhododendrons have a shallow root system, which makes them very sensitive to water shortages. Rhododendrons grow best in the sour soil with a pH from 4.5 to 5. When planting a bush, it is worth preparing a layer of drainage at the bottom of the hole and fill it with a special ground. The removal of faded inflorescence is a very important care treatment. This is an important activity that will stimulate the bush to flowering next year. In the spring, the soil should be thoroughly lodged around the rhododendrous and sprinkle it with acid soil or manure. April is the last bell for spring fertilization of rhododendrons. It may be too late after this date. Another fertilization should take place in the summer, preferably in June. It will prepare the plant for the next.
The last bell for fertilizing rhododendrons. Water them with it, and they will bloom like never before
Rhododendrons need a lot of moisture. Always control the level of soil hydration. It should be constantly moist, but without standing water. If the rhododendron leaves are wrapped in a sign that the bush may not have enough water. Also take care of You can start using nutrients in early spring. The turn of March and April is the best term. Bananas skins are most often recommended among home ways to nourish rhododendrons. This is a great source of many minerals and nutrients needed by plants. They are rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and silicic acid. Prepare the banana skins and cut them into thick slices. Pour water and turn off. Set aside in a cool and shaded place. After 2 weeks, the rhododendron conditioner is ready for use. Dilute it with water in a 1: 4 aspect ratio and water the rhododendron abundantly. You can use this conditioner during both spring and autumn fertilization.