Entities and personalities linked to architecture and preservation addressed a letter to the mayor of, Ricardo Teixeira (União Brasil), demonstrating support for assuming a chair at Conpress (Municipal Council for the Preservation of Historical, Cultural and Environmental Heritage).
O, and the vacancy has been open since Rodrigo Goulart (PSD) has graduated from the position of councilman to assume the Secretariat Economic Development and work in management ().
In the document referred to Teixeira and other councilors, names such as Lilia Schwarcz (historian and anthropologist), Clovis Carvalho (former Minister of the Civil House and former Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso), Luiz Fernando de Almeida (former president of Iphan) and João Sette Whitaker Ferreira (director of FAU-USP), among others, ask for the Nabil.
In all, there are more than 2,000 signatures in favor of the petista.
Architect and urban planner, the councilman has also worked as a university professor since the 1980s, teaching subjects of urban history and planning and was once secretary of culture in the capital.
“There are some administrations, the City Council has nominated for Conpress Councilors without specific knowledge in the area, weakening the relevance of this chair at the council meetings,” says Nabil, who also participated in the preparation of those in 2002 and 2014.
Despite the lobby, the petista faces strong competition. Mayor’s allies,
The position at Conpress, linked to the Municipal Secretariat of Culture, is not paid. Even so, it is coveted because, among other functions, it is the one who can establish the rules of zoning and land use and deliberate on real estate tipping and define its area of surroundings.
Union councilors understand that the nomination is a prerogative of the president of the house, Ricardo Teixeira, who is affiliated to the party.
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