Turning eggs on the contrary keeps us fresh more time?

by Andrea
How did no one noticed? Stole 100,000 eggs in the USA

Turning eggs on the contrary keeps us fresh more time?

Turning the eggs upside down can keep them cooler-but the tests are still “scrambled”.

Some say that storing eggs with the pointed part down can help keep them fresh for longer.

Some sailors did so in long sea trips, but popular belief has never been confirmed by science.

However, there are some biological facts that tell us that theory is plausible. Are related to how bacteria, how the salmonellainvade an egg.

Although the eggshell seems solid, it has between 7,000 and 17,000 tiny pores that allow the passage of gases – and, unfortunately, of microbes, which many times lodge in the air bag that is in the round end of the egg, even under the clear, explains the.

But Clara has extra natural defenses. It is alkaline, and its proteins fight these bacteria. And the gem goes now on: the chalazas -String-like structures-keep it in the middle, quiet, far from the microbes. But this protection does not last forever.

As the eggs grow older, more air enters the pores, and the internal air bag is expanding.

If the eggs are stored with the round part down, this air bag pushes albumin (an egg nutrient) and weakens the chalazas, so the risk of sinking and getting into contact with bacteria is higher. This is also why older eggs float in water-the air bag makes them more floating.

But there are those who say otherwise, that turning the egg with the pointed part down keeps the air bag at the top and reduces the hypotheses that the bacteria reach the yolk, avoiding having a rotten egg earlier.

There are even those who say coat the eggs with Vaseline To seal the pores and block microbes entry protects the egg, but this is not proven either, and there are not even studies to prove any of these strategies.

Here, the Food and Economic Security Authority (ASAE) that “After purchase, consumers keep the refrigerated eggs The constant temperature and moisture ”, and recommends the“ glass with water ”test to see if the egg is good or not. But how to do it before buying them in the supermarket?

In this case, we can evaluate the signs of freshness from the shell, which should be “intact and clear, should not have granulations, nor wrinkles or cracks”, explains ASAE: “The new egg bark is rough and opaque; the old one is smoother and gains shine”.

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