What is the mysterious blue spiral spiral in the skies of Europe this week?

by Andrea
What is the mysterious blue spiral spiral in the skies of Europe this week?

@MerlinTomkins / X

What is the mysterious blue spiral spiral in the skies of Europe this week?

Neither extraterrestrial, nor a strange galaxy: Spacex is also an artist, and delighted European viewers with a bizarre light show.

Monday, March 24, several people from Central Europe shared images on their social networks of a strange blue spiral that was sightled in the skies and was noticed for a few minutes.

In the United Kingdom, Croatia, Poland or Hungary, there were several people who intrigued themselves with the bizarre phenomenon. Was it an extraterrestrial? A galaxy?

In fact, it is a much less spectacular phenomenon: it is just a SPACEX FALCON 9 FOGUE which took place from the 40 (SLC-40) space launch complex at Cabo Canaveral Space Station in the US, according to. But how was this spectacular phenomenon provoked?

In X, a user “It seems that many of us throughout Europe (I am in Wolverhampton, the United Kingdom), we just witness an object in heaven. At first, I thought it was the moon behind a cloud until it began to move with a spiral light emanating from it… Any idea?”

It looked like a spiral galaxy, but in fact the phenomenon is already known: they call it “Spacex Spiral.” Happens when The upper phase of a Falcon 9 rocket separates from its first phase propeller. This event results in an incredible blue whirlwind.

This is because, while the upper phase of the device continues to travel toward space, inferring falls to the earth and is then recovered. During the process, the upper phase begins to spiral, released the fuel that remains.

Only, after being serlagado, the fuel freezes quickly once the high altitude is. Light, reflected in this structure, thus unveils a magnificent blue spiral. It is not an ET, but it is still a rare and curious phenomenon.

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