Chinese mythology attributes to UFOs of divine origin to the UFOs: legend says that they grew in the mystical garden of Xiwangmi, the goddess of immortality, and their consumption was to ensure eternal youth. In the nineteenth century they went to Europe thanks to the inquisitive botanies who saw the potential in them. Today, in Poland, the Saturn variety reigns, loved for juicy, less fibrous flesh and skin almost without a characteristic nap.
The flat -gray peach tree flourishes with pink, bell -shaped flowers in early spring. Green, serrated leaves in autumn are red, and fruit (6-8 cm, 60-80 g) ripen from July to September. The skin shimmers from cream to pink-red, and the pulp, usually cream-white, less often orange, tempts with sweetness and juiciness.
UFO peaches, or flat -fruit (Prunus Persica Var. Platicarpa) is a fruit with a fascinating past. Their story begins in China, where thousands of years ago they appeared as a natural mutation of wild peaches. The name “Mr. Tao” was not accidental – fruits, reminiscent of miniature saucers, were considered a rarity at imperial courts and a symbol of longevity.
In Japan, UFOs have achieved the status of luxury. Individual fruits are packed there in decorative boxes, and prices can make you dizzy. In China, on the other hand, their flattened shape was associated with the harmony of Yin-Yang, which gave them symbolic depth. In Europe, they were initially a curiosity – in the England of the 19th century they were served aristocracy with whipped cream.
According to USDA data, 100 grams of flat -back peaches It’s only 39 kcal. Provide 326 IU vitaminsthat cares about eye health and skin regeneration, and 6.6 mg of vitamins C – antioxidant that strengthens immunity and neutralizes free radicals. There is also no shortage niacin (1.1 mg), known as vitamin B3, which supports the nervous system and participates in the transformation of tryptophan into serotonin – a neurotransmitter improving mood. Potassium (190 mg) regulates blood pressure and heart work, and fiber (1.5 g) provides efficient digestion, supporting the intestines in everyday work.
However, this is not all – UFO peaches hide even more treasures. Beta-Karoten I Luteina, They give them a vivid color and act like a natural shield against oxidative stress, protecting cells from damage. We will also find in 100 grams trace amounts of magnesium (9 mg) and iron (0.25 mg), which support the muscles and transport of oxygen in the blood.
UFO peaches gain fame not only for the taste, but also the health properties that attract the attention of scientists. With a high water content (90%) and fiber (1.5 g/100 g) are an ally of the digestive system. They help fight constipation, which makes them an ideal choice for children, seniors or people with a sensitive stomach. Low glycemic index of flat -fruit peach (IG=35) This is good news for diabetics – their consumption does not cause sudden jumps.
A real breakthrough was brought by a study from 2014 in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (Texas A & M University), which showed, that peaches polyphenols can inhibit the development of ER breast cancer cells- under laboratory conditions. The results are promising, but this is just the beginning of tests. No less important are other benefits, supported by solid data. The article from the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” (2010) emphasizes that potassium (190 mg/100 g) and antioxidants reduce the risk of heart disease, regulating pressure and protecting blood vessels.
UFO peaches are a culinary revelation that brightens the kitchen with its versatility and taste. Smoothie with UFO peach, banana and yogurt? In a few minutes you have a healthy vitamin bomb. Salad with rocket, feta cheese and nuts? A summer hit that will delight with the slightly acid sweetness of these fruits. In China, they serve them in honey syrup as a traditional dessert, and in Poland, they land boldly in home tinctures.
You can bake them with a little cinnamoncreating a warm ice cream additive or close the summer in a jar, making jam. They are great as an addition to home waffles, pancakes. Put them into porridge with honey or serve with grilled chicken. In Japan, they are sometimes grilled with a little salt, emphasizing natural sweetness. Their flat stone facilitates chopping, and a delicate flesh without a stick encourages experiments – from salads to dry sauces.