Acre closes February with almost 500 new formal jobs; Services sector stands out

by Andrea
Acre closes February with almost 500 new formal jobs; Services sector stands out

The state of Acre closed the month of February with a positive balance of 429 new jobs with a formal contract. The result is the result of 5.2 thousand admissions and 4.7 thousand dismissals in the period, according to data from the General Register of Employees and Unemployed (New Caged), released on Friday (28) by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE).

Acre closes February with almost 500 new formal jobs; Services sector stands out

The balance in job creation was positive / Photo: Secom / PR

In the last 12 months, the balance of jobs in Acre has reached the mark of 5.5 thousand formal vacancies. However, in the first two months of 2025, the state still records retraction, with loss of 192 jobs. Currently, the total stock of workers with a portfolio signed in the state is 110.2 thousand people.

Of the five major economic sectors analyzed, three showed growth in the number of formal jobs in February. The services sector led with the creation of 396 vacancies, followed by trade, with 134 new posts, and agriculture, with a positive balance of 9 vacancies. On the other hand, industry (-101) and construction (-9) had negative performance in the period.

Regarding the profile of hired workers, women were majority among the admitted (368). People with complete high school were the most benefited, with 226 new hires. In addition, young people between 18 and 24 years old stood out, occupying 368 of the new vacancies open in the state.

Among Acre municipalities, Cruzeiro do Sul led job creation in February, with a positive balance of 217 new jobs. Then appear Seine Madureira (115), Bujari (75), Rio Branco (37) and Epitaciolândia (32), which also registered growth in the formal labor market.

In Brazil, February recorded a record in the historical series of the new Caged, with the creation of 431,900 formal jobs. The country accumulated a balance of 576 thousand vacancies in the first two months of the year. The total stock of formal jobs in Brazil reached 47.7 million, representing a growth of 0.91% compared to January.

Acre closes February with almost 500 new formal jobs; Services sector stands out

Despite good overall results, some states went through retraction/photo: reproduction

All five major economic sectors registered a positive balance in the month, highlighting services (254.8 thousand new vacancies), industry (69.8 thousand), commerce (46.5 thousand), construction (40.8 thousand) and agriculture (19.8 thousand).

Among the states, São Paulo led the generation of jobs with 137.5 thousand new posts, followed by Minas Gerais (52.6 thousand) and Paraná (39.1 thousand). The only state with negative balance was Alagoas, who lost 5.4 thousand formal vacancies.

Despite positive performance in February, Acre still faces challenges to reverse the retraction in the year. The recovery of the local labor market will depend on the continuity of growth in key sectors and economic stability in the state.

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