The minister (racial equality) participated, on the morning of Friday (28), at office hours, a meeting at the headquarters of in Brasilia to, in an election that will take place in July.
The meeting of current members building a new Brazil, which controls the party, began around 9am. The minister stayed until the break, at lunch time. The minister’s agenda does not bring any official commitment this Friday.
The current lives an internal crack, and the event was intended to strengthen the name of Edinho internally.
The minister. The expectation is that she will compete for a vacancy in NAS.
Anielle arrived at the event around 9:30 am, sat at the main table and spoke at the event. In her speech, she said she was a disciple of Deputy Benedita da Silva (PT-RJ), “daughter of Marinete and sister of”, in reference to.
Sought, the ministry reported that the presence of Minister Anielle Franco at the meeting “was part of the official agenda”.
“She was invited to make a brief speech on the opening table about conjuncture and strengthening of black people in spaces of power. After speech, the minister went to the other agendas of the day,” said the folder.
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