In April, this puree of Monster and orchid leaves. Flowers look much better, and above all, healthy and rapidly grow

by Andrea
In April, this puree of Monster and orchid leaves. Flowers look much better, and above all, healthy and rapidly grow

How to shine plant leaves so as not to harm them, on the contrary, nourish them? In garden stores we will find a lot of preparations, but we do not always have to reach for chemicals. The leaves of green plants can be wiped with dust with natural nutrients that do not cost much. Sometimes, even fruit or drink residues can be a component of such a liner. If we want Monster, orchid or other potted flowers to be shiny and healthy, we can use homemade conditioner.

How to wash the leaves of pot plants?

If the leaves of potted plants are small, then the easiest way to clean them from dust will be to put a pot with a flower into a bathtub or shower cubicle, protect the soil with foil (so as not to pour flowers) and directing a small, calm stream of water on the list. This method is great for a benjamin or dracaena. If the flowers are large and it is difficult to move the solution can be a washer.

What to shine the leaves of potted plants? Ideal preparation for wiping monster

Each of the house plants requires individual care, but some pot flowers have similar needs. As for the start of dust, the rules are similar. In both cases, it is also worth using a rinse aid, thanks to which the dust will deposit on the leaves much slower. You can use the inside of the banana peel to wipe monster and zamiokulkas. The phosphorus and potassium contained in it will also nourish plants. A beer beer will also work. Apply a little popular drink with a soft cloth and gently wipe each leaf, being careful not to damage its structure. This method will also nourish flowers and add glow to the leaves.

Dy hearing for orchid. Wiping leaves with lemon water will work

This method is perfect for cleaning orchid leaves of dust. Water with lemon juice will facilitate the removal of dirt without excessive friction. This is extremely important because the leaves are easy to damage. In order for the flowers to be healthy, be careful not to outline the surface. Use the protruded water mixed with a few drops of lemon juice to shine orchid leaves. Wipe the leaves with cosmetic cotton swabs with such a mixture.

Oil as a polishing rinse aid? Be careful

Another way to shine domestic flowers is to use oil. Just add a few drops to the water, which we use to wipe the plant. However, be careful not to overdo the amount of olive oil, because the excess can plug leaf receptors and lead to plant diseases. The way to shine leaves with oil will work in the case of ficus.

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