Naming Rights of arenas are rare space not dominated by Bets in Brazilian football

by Andrea

It seems that at least one advertising space was not taken by the high investments in marketing of betting houses in Brazilian football: the naming rights of arenas. Facades of the big stadiums, so far, are still printed mostly by traditional companies ranging from retail to pharmaceutical industry.

Six arenas whose clubs compete in Serie A Brasileirão gave the rights to their names to brands. Two other stadiums that do not house any team of soccer elite, Mané Garrincha and Pacaembu, should also host games from the soccer elite this season.

Among them, only the Fonte Nova Arena, where he plays Bahia, sold the Naming Rights to a brand from the bets industry, the betting house. Controlled by the Government of Bahia in conjunction with a consortium between Novoonor (former Odebrecht) and E² Arenas, the arena located in Salvador was renamed Arena Fonte Nova.

Naming Rights of arenas are rare space not dominated by Bets in Brazilian football

The consortium renegotiated the rights at the end of 2023 for a contract of R $ 52 million in four years, when the Itaipava beer brand Petrópolis group left the sponsorship.

According to ESPM Ivan Martinho’s marketing teacher, Naming Rights contracts often have long deadlines, demanding a more consolidated strategy from brands. “At the moment, many betting houses are in the market and prioritize actions of awarness [conhecimento de marca] With similar cost, but broader national and digital exhibition, ”he says.

At first, this strategy led the betting sector to the main sponsorship on the shirts of 18 of the 20 clubs of the Brazilian Championship and large commercial quota buyers in sports broadcasts.

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Although not a majority among the names of the sports squares, the Bets sector owns the naming rights of the main tournaments organized by the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF). A and Series B of Brasileirão and also of the Brazilian Cup.

Arenas boosted Naming Right contracts

The rise of the multipurpose arenas in the 2014 World Cup cycle increased the interest of consolidated companies in acquiring the rights to names of the most modern and idealized stadiums for shows and events. It is estimated that the total value negotiated by Naming Rights contracts among the arenas that should receive Serie A games is close to $ 2 billion.

The sale of the name of the Palmeiras stadium to the insurer Allianz in 2013 was the first movement of the type in the Age of the arenas. In 2017, Atletico-MG negotiated rights by the name of its stadium still under construction at MRV. The Neo Chemical Pharmaceutical Laboratory took, in 2020, the contract by the Corinthians House. Bank BRB and Ligga Telecom closed, respectively, with Mané Garrincha and Athlético-PR.

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The two main stadiums in the city of Sao Paulo that were missing, Morumbi and Pacaembu, came to hits with major brands between the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024. At the São Paulo Futebol Clube house, the Mondelēz food sector multinational transformed the name of the iconic stadium into Morumbis. The Municipal Stadium became Free Market Arena Pacaembu, in negotiation with the retail giant. The Santos.

“O naming right It is an important source of revenue to those involved. It took a long time to get here, since the stadiums and arenas were old, that is, they already had their official names and nickname, ”says Wolff Sports managing partner and sports marketing expert Fábio Wolff.

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