Slovak singer Otto Weiter celebrated last July round 70. Birthdays And so he is one of the pensioners for some year. For revealed, how much he receives from the state every month. But who would expect a dizzying amount is wrong. Like many of his colleagues from Slovakia and the Czech Republic, he cannot boast of royal pension, so he is still working.
“In general, this is undersized. The state should certainly do something in this. It is inferior and disrespectful not only to us, but in general to all who have been dying for several years. Pensions should be at least at the price level. It applies to everyone. Also me, ”said the well -known singer of the Šlágrov.
“As artists, we paid contributions, social and health as everyone else, and today it is as it is … Unfortunately. Everything has to be paid for. We have 350 euros or how much. The pension is the most basic, ” added.
Neither can the other “reciprocker” can jump Marcela Laiferová (79), who initially assessed a pension of € 96. But she admitted in one breath that she did not expect a large amount because she lived in another system. “Of course it is increasing over time. I had the opportunity to make enough money, so fortunately I was postponing. Today I sing not from duty, but for love for it, ”she explained.