Thanks to membership in the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO), Slovakia enjoys collective defense benefits. However, the country must not forget that the contract also includes Article Three, ie the obligation to be able to be able to defend its defense against the arrival of the Allies. During Saturday’s visit to the NATO forces Integration team in Slovakia in Vajnory, Bratislava, President of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini said it.
“If we are talking about the future of the North Atlantic Alliance. We are talking and agreed that Slovakia wants to be part of the European pillar, defensive, within NATO. We perceive that the US as our largest alliance partner is pushing their allies in the European Union to fulfill their commitment in a similar volume to the US itself, and therefore the strengthening of the European pillar within NATO seems to be quite logical, ” He said Pellegrini. As he pointed out, the defense funds must be spent effectively.
The head of state thinks that Slovakia does not fit at the table in the so -called Alliance willing to do not need to be taken tragically. Defense summits or initiatives to send soldiers to Ukraine, which took place outside the NATO and European Union structures, were several, but eventually it turned out that many were overtaken by reality.
Defense Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) during the joint press conference declared that Some countries have a problem that they are not invited to peace negotiations on war in Ukraine. According to him, the strong representation of Slovakia in the Alliance proves that the country sends soldiers to the Multinational NATO Brigade in the Baltic. He reiterated that he respects a different attitude of the CIS coalition partner on this topic.