Prison is the end of my life, says Bolsonaro – 03/29/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The former president (), who this week in the (Supreme Federal Court) accused of leading a coup plot, admitted to Sheet Having talked to assistants about the state of site, state of defense and federal intervention in 2022, but says that these possibilities were discarded “right away”.

The measures are foreseen in the Constitution to be used to maintain public order and social peace threatened by “serious and imminent institutional instability”, a serious commotion of national repercussion or war.

He also cited the appeal to that of the Constitution, which, in the interpretation repeated by Bolsonarists, would authorize the Armed Forces to act as a kind of moderator power – this vision was once.

Bolsonaro is accused of five crimes whose. Asked if an eventual arrest would mean the end of his political career, he said, “It’s the end of my life. I’m already 70.” He received Sheet For an interview at the PL headquarters in which he also spoke of the allegation of his former orders, Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid.

That of the investigation against you for fraud on the vaccine card. Cid told PF that mr. asked him that. Why do you think he said that? And what do you think of PGR’s decision?
I would never make such a request for someone, I would demoralize me politically, because I have always been against the vaccine, which is still experiment [o imunizante foi aprovado pela Anvisa (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária)]. A whistleblower, to follow the rule, has to be spontaneous, tell the truth and have proof. So much so that the Lord [procurador-geral da República Paulo] Gonet came to the conclusion that there was no minimal evidence that I had falsified the card. This request for filing, if it was Lava Jato, had already annulled everything. But as I am not that powerful …

Mr. Do you think it can be a signage to other processes, such as jewelry?
More than a signs, a red light against the process. Because you can’t investigate the vaccine card, look next door and ah, appeared present, appeared state of site, can’t do it there. Also because I have never seen a judge start a lawsuit without being provoked. Once provoked, he analyzes, investigates. Why am I different from others?

Mr. He said that he talked with assistants about alternatives, but not about rupture. What were these alternatives?
I didn’t expect the result [das eleições]. We came in with the petition, and the next day, Mr. Alexandre Moraes ordered. If we recalled, it could go to $ 200 million. If I won’t go to, where can you go? I talked to people, inside the four lines, that you are tired of listening, what can we do? Hence it was looked there, [estado de] place, [estado de] defense, [artigo] 142, intervention…

Were these the possibilities discussed at the time?
Yeah, it was not a decision. Gathered twice with the military commanders, with some other people lost there. But nothing deeply, because when you lose the election, you get a fish out of water. Half of your ministry, you have to be careful to talk to the guys, right? And too they want to get back to the normality of their lives, you can’t put pressure on them. And hence, in the testimony of the Army Commander, he says that constitutional provisions were discussed. What’s the problem? None. The PGR spoke of a state of defense or place. First step is to summon the councils of the Republic and the defense. This was not summoned, there was no question of anything.

On September 7, 2021, mr. even mentioned that it would call the . Was this already in the Lord’s head since 2021?
I want to know when I said that, I’m not remembered… But if I said, there’s no crime there.

Why Mr. ?
You have to argue with several people. I have a lot of confidence in the military. No problem talking. Talk first with the Minister of Defense. Then, at the second meeting that appeared the guys there. Is there something based, specifically, for us to look for an alternative? It has come to the conclusion that even if it had, it will not proceed. So forget it.

Discuss an alternative with the military to prevent President Lula from taking over the mandate would not be an attempt to coup State?
Blow has no constitution. A blow, the story shows us, you don’t solve it in months. Years. And for you to scam, the shiver of the laws, you have to look for how the press is, who will be our spokesman, business, religious nuclei, parliament, outside Brazil. The “after day”, how is it? So it was discarded right away.

It was discarded because Freire Gomes [então comandante do Exército] Didn’t you support this initiative? I didn’t ask for support from anyone. Ask Freire Gomes if, at some point, I said blow. It will answer no. If you want to blow, change the defense minister, exchange the power commander, put a person willing to go out of four lines. But that didn’t cross the head. You do not blow in the light of day. You are creating a fact, an opportunity, as Lula says, right? So they are building narrative. Because, of course, our non -election took us by surprise. O, it’s good for you to publish, made arrangements against Jair Bolsonaro, the candidate.

Mr. Do you regret not firmly recognized the result of the ballot box in 2022?
I don’t regret it. I had my questions. Every candidate does this when he glimpses any possibility. And I would never pass track to him [Lula] Also, even if I had doubts of nothing.

And mr. Do you regret discussing these alternatives that lead you today to be tried by the coup plot?
It is a story told by that part of the Federal Police linked to the Lord. Here [Constituição] It is my Bible. I have a problem, I use it here. Now, if we cannot speak defense, from site, if this is repealed here. Ready. Now, it can’t when someone talks about this subject and someone else has the opposite opinion, it becomes a blow.

And mr. Would you support an amnesty project that did not contemplate it?
Look, when I started to be processed, I said I don’t want to know amnesty involving my name. How could I imagine that they would put me in [processo do] January 8, if I was there in the United States? They found nothing about me. Look, amnesty, you have to do it, it’s not for … when it’s individual, it’s called grace.

Mr. fears that if a prison is made, it may be the end of your career policy?
It is the end of my life. I’m already 70 years old.

What would a prison look like for Mr.?
Completely unfair a possible prison. Where’s my crime? Where did I break something? Where’s the proof of a possible blow? Except to discuss constitutional provisions that did not come out of the scope of words.

Mr. Consider joining Eduardo Bolsonaro in the United States, asking for political asylum? Have you ever talked about this with any head of state?
Zero, zero, zero. I think I have a good face here. I’m 70 years old, I feel good. I want the good of my country.

X-ray | Jair Bolsonaro, 70

He is former president of Brazil. It was defeated in the second round of the 2022 elections by Lula (PT). Earlier he had been a federal deputy for 27 years and went through the acronyms PDC, PPR, PPB and PP. Reformed army captain, today is president of honor of PL.


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