Why is hydrangea not blooming?
Hydrangeas are large and effective shrubs that do not require professional care. Depending on the species, hydrangeas bloom from June to late autumn. It is worth knowing that the garden are blooming on last year’s shoots, and flower buds are formed in autumn. Such a hydrangea if it does not bloom in the next season. These shrubs can be planted almost throughout the entire vegetation season – from early spring to autumn. Gardeners indicate, however, to avoid planting in late autumn. In this case, the plant may not be able to root.
Hydrangeas grow best in semi -shaded positions with dispersed light. Direct sun rays can smoke leaves. These shrubs don’t like wind. But they need a lot of water. Hydrangeas have a lot of soil requirements. They grow best on fertile, permeable, moist substrates with acidic pH. Interestingly, bouquet hydrangea has less requirements than garden hydrangea and it will grow well on a slightly less acidic pH from 6 to 7.
Very important hydrangea. In spring, it is recommended to use prolonged fertilizers, which will gradually release nutrients to the soil. Hydrangea nutrients should contain phosphorus and potassium. These ingredients directly participate in plant growths and flowering processes. In spring, nitrogen fertilizers can also be used, which slightly acidify the soil and prolong the flowering processes. It is not recommended to use nitrogen in autumn because it can make the plant fail to prepare for the coming winter.
In spring I make such a hydrangea conditioner. The shrub grows after her crazy
One of the most effective are bakery yeast. They contain large amounts of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Grandfather showed me how to prepare a nutrient for hydrangea made of bakery yeast. Just crumble 1 pack of yeast, add 1 cup of sugar and pour it with 10 liters of water. Mix everything and set aside for a few hours. After this time, add water again and set aside in a dark place for a week. After this time, the fertilizer is ready for use. It should be diluted with water in a 1:10 ratio and use until September at the latest. Piekarski yeast conditioner will improve flowering and make it more intense. Spherical flowers will be larger and more magnificent. In addition, yeast will support growth processes and strengthen the entire bush.