Snow -white curtains in the windows look elegant and decorate the house. However, their maintenance is difficult because they quickly absorb dust, soot and greasy deposits. You do not have to run into drugstores for specialized products or invest in a new window modification. Soak the curtains in this home decoction and will be dazzling white again.
Homemade means for white curtains
Washing curtains does not always have the desired effect. Yes, it will refresh them, but they can still appear a grayish and yellowish color. There is a trick that is not very obvious, but is effective. The home way to get curtains again white is to use tablets to clean dental prostheses. They also perfectly clean the fabric.
Simply dissolve two tablets to clean dental prostheses in a bowl of lukewarm water. Then soak the curtains in the solution, preferably for the night. The tablets will remove yellowing and all scale deposits or grease, ie everything that stains our curtains. Then wash them as usual and hang them to dry.
How to wash curtains to make them look great?
Curtains should be washed every three months. However, there are situations where you have to do this more often. If there are smokers in the house or if you live on a busy street, you should wash every month. The same is true for kitchen curtains that absorb grease, which rises when preparing food. As important as the whiteness of the curtains is their smoothness.
They are usually made of material that cannot be ironed, which would also be very time consuming. So important is how you wash and dry them. Wash the curtains by hand or on a fine program using liquid soap and a tablespoon of baking soda. Avoid spinning and squeezing. Allow them to dry over the tub and hang them slightly damp on the curtain bars. This will ensure that they are not only white but also aesthetic.
Curtains white as never. This grandmother’s trick has no competition