Spring in bloom on the balcony: the right orchids to choose from now

by Andrea

Outdoor orchids are the perfect choice to live a real spring in bloom on the balcony: just know the most suitable varieties and some simple make -up to see them blossom with generosity.

Spring It is a small miracle that is renewed every year also on balconyand the right orchids to choose from now They can really make a difference. It is often believed that these plants are delicate, to be pampered only behind the windows of the house, but not all of them are so demanding. Some varieties love the open air, the morning sun and even those slight thermal changes typical of the season.

We often wonder what the best plants are to give life to a green corner that also has a touch of elegance. The orchids, with their sculptural shapes and bright colors, are among the most scenographic. But not all are suitable for being out, this is clear. You need a pinch of attention, of course, but the result can be surprising. And then, isn’t it the ideal time to experience something new on the balcony?

Denrobium, the orchid that brings spring to the balcony

Among the Outdoor orchids more reliable there is undoubtedly the Dendrobium noblea variety that is not afraid of a few degree less during the night and that indeed benefits from those temperature changes that drive other more sensitive plants crazy. His thin and right -like drums, similar to rods, give an elegant and orderly bearing. Along the stems fragrant flowers bloom, often in pastel colors or with bright shades that seem to be hand -painted. To see them up close, it almost wants to touch them, they seem unreal.

To see it prosper, it is better to fix it in a repaired but bright area, perhaps under a roof or in a veranda exposed to the east. Does the sun directed in the hottest hours? Better to avoid it. And as far as water is concerned, it is not necessary to exaggerate: it is a plant that loves to dry well between one influence and the other. A golden rule: in spring it is better to add a specific fertilizer every two weeks. The reason? Simple: so the formation of the new flowers is stimulated. It is not uncommon for a well -kept derodrobium to produce more blooms in one season. And when this happens, the balcony fills with light perfumes and colors that immediately capture the gaze.

The best outdoor orchids for a spectacular spring

Those who have a spacious and well exposed balcony, perhaps with a few hours of direct sunshine in the morning, could focus on Cymbidium. Is one of the Orchids more suitable for outdoor lifealso because it has a certain tolerance to climatic variations and loves light.

Its long and ribbed leaves create a nice movement, while the flowers, collected in dense ears, look like small colored lanterns. But there is a detail not to be overlooked: the Cymbidium needs more water compared to other varieties. It does not mean wetting it every day, but keeping the soil always slightly humid.

To facilitate flowering, the plant must perceive the change of season. Precisely for this reason, keeping her outdoors from spring to late summer helps her prepare for an abundant flowering in autumn. And it is also a great way to avoid stress to the plant.

Another protagonist to consider is the Vandaa real star among the ornamental orchids. Aerial roots, suspended growth, and a tropical charm that conquers at first sight. Where there is abundant but not direct light, and a little natural ventilation, Vanda finds her ideal habitat. It can be grown in suspended or simply hanging baskets, letting the roots penzolino free in the air.

An effective method to take care of it? The immersion. The roots must be wet for about 15 minutes every 2-3 days, then let it dry completely before repeating the cycle. In very dry environments it can be sprayed slightly between one bathroom and another.

How to transform the balcony into a small tropical oasis

The beauty of orchids for balcony in spring It is their ability to adapt, while keeping a refined appearance. With a little creativity, it takes little to transform even the simplest windowsill into a lush corner.

Here are some useful ideas to start:

  • Place plants in groups, combining different varieties with similar needs
  • Use vases in natural materials, such as coccio or treated wood, to encourage perspiration
  • Install small shadow structures with light sheets, ideal in the hottest hours
  • Add decorative elements such as pebbles, lanterns or climbing plants outline

Each balcony has a potential, even the one most exposed to the wind or bad weather. The important thing is to observe the environment, understand where the light falls and consequently choose the most compatible varieties.

There are those who consider them “difficult” plants, but in reality the outdoor orchids ask for only a little attention and some initial precautions. Once the right combination of light, water and location are found, they become surprisingly autonomous. When the blooms explode, even those who have never defined a green thumb end to change their minds. The balcony is no longer only a place of passage, but a live, colorful refuge, which smells of spring and lightness.

Orchid on the balconyOrchid on the balcony

It is worth trying, because every plant that grows outdoors tells a small story of care and beauty.

Photo © Stock.adobe


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