Scientists believe that black holes can pass through matter that we see in everyday life: rocks, glass, metal… even your cat. It’s highly unlikely, but if it happened we wouldn’t even notice it.
“We have to think outside the box because what has been done previously to find primordial black holes has not worked,” he says Dejan Stojkovicco-author of one published this month in Physics of the Dark Universe.
Os primordial black holes They will have formed from tiny variations in the density of energy and matter in the cosmos 13.8 billion years ago.
Scientists at the University at Buffalo now suggest that tiny primordial black holes, with the power to empty planets, may be passing through everyday materials here on Earth — from rocks, glass, metal to, perhaps, ourselves or our pets, says .
But don’t worry: the surface tension of your and your cat’s body is much lower than that of a planet or a piece of prehistoric rock. Therefore, Both we and our animals would emerge unharmed from this event.
Although the primordial black hole that pierced us brought with it a large amount of kinetic energyI would also be traveling to monumental speeds. This means that nwould not have the opportunity to transfer much of this energy when passing by.
Space explains that, as you read this sentence, hundreds of billions of neutrons passed through your body at a speed close to that of light and felt nothing. These particles are called “ghost particles”. So, if Stojkovic is correct, Maybe we can call black holes primordial “phantom black holes”.
These tiny black holes were created during the Big Bang and remain elusive to detection by astrophysicists. Now, two scientists are urging researchers to broaden their horizons in this search for mysterious black holes.
The team found that the chances of a primordial black hole passing through an object on Earth are very slim. This means that the most likely way to detect this passage would be examine rocks that have existed for billions of years.
Despite this, the probability of a tiny black hole originating in the Big Bang passing through such an ancient object is only 0.000001. Even so, for Stojkovic, the attempt to detect this passage is worth it, as the risk is small.
“The smartest people on the planet have been working on these problems for 80 years and still haven’t solved them,” concluded Stojkovic. “We don’t need a simple extension of existing models. Probably, we need a completely new framework.”