Reformulation entitled ‘Decree 12,345’ was published in the Official Gazette of the Union this Tuesday (31)
The President of the Republic, edited Decree 12,345, published in Official Gazette of the Union this Tuesday, 31st, which makes changes to a previous act, Decree 11,615, of July 2023, which establishes rules and procedures relating to the acquisition, registration, possession, carrying, registration and national marketing of firearms, ammunition and accessories, in addition to regulating the activities of exceptional hunting, subsistence, sport shooting and collecting firearms, ammunition and accessories, regulating the functioning of shooting entities sports and provide for the structuring of the National Weapons System (Sinarm).
Among the changes made, there is an update to the definition of some types of weapons; inclusion of the high-performance sports shooter, defined as a shooter affiliated with the Confederation or National League, who meets the annual competition calendar and who has obtained a minimum classification in the national ranking of sports shooting athletes. It also includes other events and national competition calendars, with a ranking of shooting athletes. The new decree determines that, “in order to grant a Certificate of Registration (CR) from an individual to a sports shooter by the supervisory body, the interested party must be affiliated with a sports shooting entity and undertake to prove, at least, a weapon representing a each type of weapon” authorized by legislation for individuals and legal entities.
Article 11, which deals specifically with the topic, has been updated and says that firearms and ammunition whose use is authorized, in a joint act of the Army Command and the Federal Police, are permitted, including: large-scale firearms , repeating or semi-automatic, whose common ammunition has, at the exit of the test barrel, energy of up to three hundred foot-pounds or four hundred and seven joules, and their ammunition; portable, long, rifled, repeating firearms, whose common ammunition does not achieve, at the exit from the test barrel, a kinetic energy exceeding one thousand two hundred foot-pounds or one thousand six hundred and twenty joules; portable, long, smoothbore, repeating firearms, twelve caliber or smaller; and portable, long, rifled, semi-automatic firearms, with a nominal caliber equal to or less than point twenty-two Long Rifle.
The new decree also includes new requirements for granting CR to shooting sports entities and monitoring their activities. Among them: acoustic insulation requirements, when applicable; and presentation of a security plan that contains, at a minimum, a risk analysis of activities related to the circulation, use and possible storage of weapons, ammunition and recharging supplies; measures to protect users, employees, service providers and people who pass through the establishment; control of personnel access to places containing weapons and ammunition; video monitoring of possible storage locations for weapons, ammunition and recharging supplies; control of access to weapons collection, ammunition and presence recording systems, in addition to other data related to shooters; preventive measures against theft and theft of weapons and ammunition; contingency measures, in case of accidents or detection of illegal acts, including the provision of information to the supervisory body; computerized control measures for the entry and exit of users, employees and service providers; protective measures against projectile transfixion; safety certification issued by a company or qualified professional, for the building and the environments contained therein, for the safe practice of sports shooting activities, training, competitions and possible storage of weapons, ammunition and reloading supplies; and provision of qualification and training of personnel to execute the security plan.
The text also says that owners of weapons for sport shooting and exceptional hunting who wish to change the purpose of the weapon for collecting activities will have until December 31, 2025 to request the exchange of collection, as long as the requirements related to the new category are met. intended. The new Decree also introduced article 79-A which states that “the transportation of weapons and ammunition, within the national territory, by collectors, sports shooters or hunters is prohibited on election day, in the twenty-four hours preceding them and in the twenty and four hours that follow them”. The operation of sports shooting entities during the election period is also prohibited.
*With information from Estadão Conteúdo
Posted by Victor Oliveira