49 arrests were analyzed. Audit reveals “deficiencies” in equipment, organization and resource management.
The audit of the conditions of security the 49th prisons, requested by the Minister of Justice, has already been completed and the report on equipment, organization and resource management.
The General Inspectorate of Justice Services (IGSJ) delivered the report on December 27th and the Ministry of Justice, in a statement, said that one of the conclusions is the need to evaluate the capacity of prisons.
There are towers surveillance that don’t work, unsuitable locations for visits, lack of standardization of configuration of cameras” surveillance.
At the organizational level, difficulties are described in allocation of prisoners in prisons and in their distribution wards and cells, among other problems.
The report prepared over the last few months also recognizes that there is a “great concentration of exits on the same days.”
A “shortage of guards prisoners to services, also due to prolonged absences, with a high incidence of allegations of accidents on duty, occupational illnesses and sick leaves”.
The prison guard has another problem: advanced age of prison guards” and also the “absence of training” of these professionals “on specific themes”.
Yoga, ballet, sewing
Frederico Morais, president of the National Union of the Prison Guard Corps (SNCGP), ensures that the It’s not the prison guard’s fault for these problems.l, complaining of abandonment by Governments.
“The report says that there are no guards. We have constantly said that there are jails without guards at night and day. By day, then, it’s glaring. That’s why we’re carrying out strikes in jails, due to a lack of guards, because only with strikes can we have security in jails. This report is just an assumption of responsibility”, he declared on the radio.
At , the person responsible presented another criticism: “We can no longer have yoga, ballet and sewing classes just to keep prisoners entertained. We have to have security in the prisons: we have to activate the towers, we don’t have to deactivate the towers to go to ballet and yoga courses, we have to cover the prison yards once and for all.”
Frederico also regrets an alleged lack of coordination national: “Each person manages their farm in the way that suits them. They have to be commanded at the national level to have security in prisons.”