On Tuesday, the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), the GNR and the PSP launch the road safety campaign “At the wheel, your cell phone can wait”, which aims to raise awareness of the consequences of using a cell phone while driving.
In a statement, ANSR explains that the campaign will last until January 20th and has the first action, on Tuesday, on Estrada Nacional 356, at the access roundabout to the Monastery of Batalha, a municipality in the district of Leiria
The campaign aims to alert drivers about the negative and sometimes fatal consequences of improper use of cell phones while driving.
According to ANSR, at 50 kilometers per hour looking at your cell phone for three seconds is the same as driving a distance of 42 meters blindfolded, the equivalent of a queue of 10 cars.
ANSR also warns that using a cell phone while driving increases the likelihood of having an accident by four times and causes an increase in reaction time to unforeseen situations greater than the effect of a blood alcohol level of 0.8 grams per liter of blood.
Authorities also remember that drivers who use their cell phones while driving are slower to recognize and react to dangers.
The campaign that starts on Tuesday includes awareness-raising actions on the mainland and the services of the regional administrations of the Azores and Madeira and inspection operations by the GNR and the PSP, with a special focus on roads and accesses with high traffic flow.
Inspection operations will be carried out in Leiria, Braga and Setúbal.
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