Technicians assess that the decision of the minister, of the (Supreme Federal Court), in the area should imply a longer delay for states and municipalities to receive resources.
At the end of December, the minister in relation to parliamentary amendments and included the opening of specific accounts for each amendment among them. These accounts must be reported to state or municipal managers, the (Comptroller General of the Union) and the ministry within 10 calendar days.
The measure seeks to allow the traceability of money and to know which parliamentarian sent resources to which federated entity. Previously, if the amounts went directly to the municipal or state health fund, they would be mixed with other funds and it would not be possible to monitor the fate of the amendment.
Now, however, the expectation is that the resources will take longer to reach states and municipalities, compared to the speed of transfer between the National Health Fund and municipal and state funds. According to members of the department, what could previously arrive on the same day can now take up to a week.
The ministry intends to discuss the topic at the CIT (Tripartite Intermanagers Commission) meeting to be held at the end of the month, when members of the department intend to clarify the new procedure. According to them, the new rhythm of transferring resources.
Technicians say that the ministry sent a communication to all municipalities asking them to open their accounts. More than 5,000 have already opened, according to members of the department.
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