The substitute dean of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Acre – Ifac, in the use of her legal powers, nominated the candidates on a permanent basis, to the entity’s staff who participated in the Public Competition notice 01/2023.
Ifac appoints teachers and administrative technicians for the Public Competition as permanent staff. Photo: Reproduction
The name of the winners who will make up IFAC’s permanent staff was published in the DOU-Official Gazette of the Union, this Monday (20), and the competition was managed by the Institute for Educational, Cultural and National Assistance Development (Idecan) .
Ifac informed, through the Public Tender Monitoring Committee, that the final result of the competition for teaching positions in the teaching career of basic, technical and technological education – Notice nº 01/2023/IFAC (EBTT Teacher), is available and can be accessed at the link: https://idecan.selecao.net.br/informacoes/24/.
And the final result covers all candidates who are eligible for classification and the number foreseen in the notice for reserve registration will only be disclosed at the time of approval of the aforementioned competition, respecting the notice.
Pursuant to art. 13, § 1, of Law No. 8,112, of December 11, 1990, sets a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days for possession, counting from the publication of this ordinance. In Sole Paragraph, the law says that “This appointment will be rendered null and void if the nominated candidate does not take office within the period set out in the caput of this article (art. 13, § 6, of Law No. 8,112, of 1990).