Mold on orchids is a common but solved problem. So don’t worry with the right precautions you can save your plant and make it flourish.
The orchid They are elegant plants that require care and attention, but their ideal, humid and bright environment can encourage the formation of Mugs and mushrooms. If you notice white spots on the roots or soil, it’s time to intervene. The main causes are often linked to excessive irrigation, bad ventilation or a degraded substrate.
With small changes, You can bring your plant back to health. The repotting, the choice of adequate materials and correct irrigation are essential steps to free the orchids from mold. In addition, there are natural solutions, such as the use of cinnamon, which can make a difference. By following these strategies, you will not only eliminate the problem, but you will guarantee healthy and lush growth for your plant over time.
Mold on orchids: recognize the problem and act immediately
When you notice the presence of white mold Or residues on the roots and the soil of your orchid, it is a sign that something is wrong. The main causes are often linked to excessive irrigation, poor air circulation or the use of old and degraded substrates. Fortunately, there are several ways to face the situation.
Repotting It is one of the fundamental steps to eliminate mold and mushrooms. Use a dry and sterilized vase and replace the old soil with a new one, preferably with a pine bark, which acts as a natural repellent against mushrooms. After the repotting, avoid watering the plant immediately: wait for the roots to become white or slightly gray, a sign that the plant really needs water.
An old substrate And Fradicio can be the main cause of the problem. Make sure you choose more coarse reinforcement materials, which improve the air flow around the roots. This small change will make a big difference.
Another habit to modify is excess water. If the substrate is already too wet, let the roots of your orchid drying them in the air for a few days. In the future, he waters only when the roots show the classic signs of dryness.
Practical solutions to prevent and treat mold on orchids
If the infestation is advancedyou may need to take more drastic measures. Below you will find some useful tips to face the problem. To start, remember that preventing it is better than cure. Here are some actions you can take:
- Move the orchid outside: a bright and well -ventilated environment is ideal for fighting mushrooms. Make sure that there are no water stagnation and that the plant is exposed to indirect light.
- Improves air circulation in the house: If you cannot move it outside, use a fan or dehumidifier to create healthier conditions.
- Use cinnamon: This natural spice is a powerful fungicide. Apply it to powder on the infested areas or after pruning sick parts. You will notice an improvement within a few days.
Pruning and other effective remedies
When the roots and stems are severely infecteddon’t hesitate to prune. Remove with shears disinfected the damaged parts to lighten the fungal load that the plant has to face. This operation, even if drastic, will give your orchid a second chance to thrive. Following these simple rules, you can minimize the risk of new fungal infestations:
- Use quality substrates and change the soil at least once a year.
- Avoid positioning orchids in too humid or no air recirculation environments.
- Check the roots regularly to identify any signs of mold or infections.
With these precautions and a little attention, yours orchid They will return to being luxuriant and in perfect health, ready to enchant yourself with their extraordinary beauty.
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