Deputy Pastor Henrique Vieira (PSOL-RJ), candidate for the presidency of the House of Representatives, said on Saturday (1) that he does not want to be president of the “Centrão Union” and criticized the rise of the far right in Brazil and the world .
“I don’t want to be president of the centrão union, I want to be guardian of democracy and representative of the struggle of the Brazilian people,” Vieira said in a speech before the vote.
The parliamentarian disputes the presidency against deputies Marcel Van Hattem (Novo-RS) and Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB). Motta is considered the favorite. He has the support of the current president of the House, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), and most parties.
In his speech, Henrique Vieira defended topics such as the regulation of social networks, the end of the 6 × 1 work scale and the exemption of income tax for those who earn up to $ 5,000.
In addition, the deputy defended the rights of indigenous, quilombola and riverside peoples, and said that the Chamber should legislate for the rights of the poor. “I quote the rationals to say that this is also the candidacy of a black man. Our candidacy exists to say that the favela exists, ”he said.
In the podium, Vieira argued that parliamentary amendments obey the “strategic guidelines” of the Executive Power. In addition, the deputy defended the conviction of those responsible for the undemocratic acts of 8 January.
“There is a breakthrough in Brazil. The far right is the policy of hatred and violence. The extreme right is denial of science, research of education and diversity, it is the manipulation of religion to transform it into a profit, hatred and death machine. The intentional propagation of lies on a global scale, ”he said.