The São Paulo Court of Justice published on Monday, 3, a decision in which it determines the bankruptcy of Editora Três, which publishes the magazines That is e That money.
In the sentence, Judge Paulo Furtado de Oliveira Filho highlighted the breach of the obligations agreed in the judicial recovery plan by the publisher. The court administrator informed the court about the absence of payments of certain creditors, especially the labor.
According to the court decision, Editora Três was not able to present proof of payment, nor provide clarification regarding the non -compliance with the obligations. The company even requested the closing of the recovery process, but the judge did not accept and decreed bankruptcy.
According to the decision, the judicial administrator must present, within 10 days, a list of creditors, discounting any amounts paid during the judicial recovery and including credits that were not submitted to recovery.
According to the Union of Professional Journalists in the State of São Paulo, the company had not paid the salaries of the professionals in a long time, a situation that generated a strike that had been next month.
The printed publication of the magazines That is e That money had already been closed. On January 24, the publisher had announced that the magazines would migrate to the digital environment. THE That is Circled since 1976; and the That moneysince 1997.