He is known for its intense, sweet smell. Bez Lilak It usually flourishes at the turn of April and May, which heralds full spring. Its abundant inflorescences can have different colors – from white, through pink, to purple. It is relatively easy to grow, and resistant to changing weather conditions. It is great in the garden both as a lonely bush (so -called soliter) and in the form of a hedge.
The fastest blooming shrub from this combination. His flowers flourish before the development of the leaves, already in February and March. Yellow and small flowers not only decorate the garden beautifully, but also are a valuable source of nectar for the first pollinating insects. Additionally edible dogwood It is valued for fruits that appear at the end of summer and you can prepare delicious preserves from them.
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One of the most recognizable spring bushes. It has intensive yellow flowers that appear in March and April. Similarly to the edible dogwood, this happens before the leaves are released by the flower. In addition Forsytecja It is easy to grow, grows quickly and works great as a hedge. If we want to keep a thick cut of a bush, as well as abundant flowering in the coming years, we must remember about regularly pruning.
This magnolia variety is one of the fastest blooming. Beautiful, white or slightly pink, flowers appear on it in March and have a starry shape. Remember that star magnolia It grows best in a place sheltered from the wind, as well as in slightly sour and permeable soil. Due to compact dimensions, it is an ideal choice for small gardens.
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