Passionate journalist, for over 10 years, I have carried out investigations, portraits, reports or interviews.
The singer, who is celebrating his 76th birthday this February 10, 2025, is still in great shape. For the past five years, he has traveled the roads of France, his guitar in hand, accompanied by his son Arthur. But when he does not sing, Maxime Le Forestier found the dreamed place where to rest and write: an old mill converted into a bourgeois house located in Périgny, tiny village of Loir-et-Cher on which he settled he There are almost half a century. For “Purepeople”, inhabitants of the town exclusively evoke its peaceful life in this campaign.
Excluded “a very isolated place, without neighbors”: Maxime Le Forestier found refuge in an old Moulin du Loir-et-Cher 50 years ago
The house is not blue, it does not rise on any hill in this relatively flat country that is the Loir-et-Cher and one does not come on foot, the famous song he has Written in 1967. It is rather in taxi, from the TGV station in Vendôme, the largest neighboring city, which sometimes joins its country house in Périgny, a tiny commune located north of Blois where the singer has taken up residence, as has entrusted to Purepeople The only village taxi driver who is fortunate to convoy it from time to time.
Périgny therefore: 168 inhabitants in the last census. This is where the interpreter of Fontenay with roses and Besides laid down his suitcases. Born in Paris of a British father, who grew up in Neuilly-sur-Seine, he found himself in this region by chance as he explained to Paris Match In 2013. “I had just bought Faris, my first horse. I had put him in boarding with friends in Senlis (Oise), where I was going to go up every day when I was not on tour. Then these friends retired in the Pyrenees and I had to look for another house for my horse. I ended up finding a meadow with a house on it.”
More than a house, the house is a Former mill transformed into a bourgeois house in the middle of the 19th. It is there, in this peaceful and green place nestled in the hollow of a valley that in 2019, the singer had received our colleagues from Parisian. “The stream is there”slipped by Maxime Le Forestier, showing the little course bordering his home, between a hive and a dovecote. A reference to the song My streamco-written with his son Arthur-and extract from the album Appear or not be Released this same year 2019.
Maxime Le Forestier has shared Fabienne’s life for 40 years
During the interview intended to promote this opus, the artist, accompanied by his wife Fabienne, a former programmer of who has shared his life since 1985, had welcomed our colleagues in his haven of peace. “Since 1978, all my songs have been there”he pointed out, evoking this place where he seems to draw his inspiration. Words, music, which he sleeps on paper from his desk, “With a view of the clearing” : “Tranquility, concentration, loneliness, I think it is a place made for writing”he noted about the lair in which he works, A fun light room in a rustic way. On the ground, a carpet and a blue carpet, an old wooden secretary, two comfortable armchairs patinated by time, and, in the middle of the room, a magnificent 12 -string guitar. On the day of the interview, for our colleagues, the singer pose there, the air happy.
From his mill, Maxime Le Forestier was going to do his horse shopping
However, it is far from the time when, just after his arrival, this blunder in love with freedom left his car to the garage and was going to go shopping on horseback. The singer, who celebrates his 76th birthday this February 10 ,, no longer practices the horse riding of fear of breaking somethingand it’s been a long time since no beast gallops in the meadows surrounding his property. A house that he and his wife have planned to separate. “We almost sell it once, but Maxime retracted”confided Fabienne to the journalist of Parisian adding: “He is too attached to it.”
Attached to his hives, in particular, whose presence reassures him as indicated to Paris Match in October 2013. “They give me between 60 and 80 pots per year of delicious honey of which I am very proud!” He confided to the weekly, adding that in his hours, he also changed as a gardener.
Simple pleasures, like this extremely discreet man. Eric, owner in Périgny de la Boutique The happiness of bees also tells us “Never have crossed it in the village”. He just remembers, gave a concert two years ago in the small chapel of the town.
Victim of discomfort, he had to be helicoptered to the Tours hospital
The taxi driver who takes care of him regularly does not say anything else. “It is very discreet”he said to Purepeople. “He’s someone very simple, very quiet and extremely nice And who wants to remain quiet. ” Man confirms to us that Maxime Le Forestier lives in “a very isolated place, without neighbor around“, in which he now comes mainly to find rest.
This isolation could also have cost him dearly … in 2018, as the singer still entrusted him to Parisianwhile walking his Labrador – a dog probably loving to browse in all directions since he had baptized it mischievously Google – . “I called the 15th, a helicopter landed in the field, heading for Tours hospital. They did wonders ”noted Maxime the Forestier, explaining that the doctors had, following this incident, diagnosed a blocked artery. “The day after, he continuedI was running like a rabbit. But if there had not been a helicopter … A bunch of friends from the blue house did not have my chance. ” He savor hers. The interpreter of Take my waystill on tour for five years, continuously continues his way.
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