Three times to be able to develop lush and release new leaves not only needs proper care, but also the use of fertilizers. A home conditioner will work great in this role, which we will prepare from something that we usually throw away. We suggest how to make a liquid fertilizer for a three -fold.
Three times are plants that do not have complicated cultivation. In addition, we can meet them in many interesting varieties, differing in coloration – they can have ordinary green or colorful and patterned .
However, if you want to enjoy their sight and the overall good condition of the plant, it is worth taking care of the fertilization of three times. For this purpose, we should prepare Homemade fertilizer that will allow us to thicken our specimen and stimulate it to grow. We only need a few banana skins to do this nourishing cocktail.
This kitchen waste is extremely valuable for plants because It provides, among others, a rich source of potassium, nitrogen, magnesium and phosphorus. These are ingredients that stimulate growth and development of specimens, and also thicken shoots.
For the purpose of preparation, we must first Cut the banana skins into smaller pieces. Then put them into a jar and pour hot water. We leave it for 48 hours, and then We water a three -fold ours home fertilizer.
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However, fertilization alone is not enough to keep a three -twist in great condition. Properly performed plant care is also very important. To start with, we must take care of the right location of the three times. Should be set it in a bright place, but without exposing her to direct sunlight. Let’s also remember that the three -twist tolerates drafts badly.
The right substrate for the plant is also very important. It should be well permeable and rich in nutrients. A good idea would be to use a compost soil or perlite mixture. A key issue for the development of a three -twist is also its proper watering. We use for this Soft water, however, using it only when the top layer of the soil in the pot slightly dries.
When watering a three -fold, be careful not to pour the water and leaves with water so as not to rotate them. Heavily concentrated plants are best watered from below, pouring water into the base and waiting for it to soak into the ground.
Let’s also remember that three times because they grow quickly, need frequent fertilization, so It is worth providing them with a nourishing cocktail of banana skins, every second or third watering, and in the winter period every fourth water supply.
Transplanting the plant is also an important procedure. In the case of young and small cuttings, we do it even twice a year. Before performing this procedure Lightly moisten the ground and then transfer three times to a larger container.