She also found her place among the healthiest meats in the world guinea fowl. It is known all over the world, but in many regions other poultry is chosen. Poland belongs to such countries, and we usually eat chicken. Next time you see a guinea fowl on the store shelf, Be sure to take it and enjoy not only its taste and delicacy, but also with numerous health properties.
Pearl meat is a wealth of minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. It contains a lot for this vitamins b1, b2, e. This variety of poultry is also valued for the high protein content (23 g protein per 100 g of meat) and low fat (from 1 to 5 g fat per 100 g of meat).
As a result, the meat from the guinea fowl has System supporting properties nervous and proper functioning of the heart muscle. Regular eating it can help you get rid of high stress symptoms, and thus make it easier to relax and fall asleep. Will improve well -being and positively affect the brain.
Pearls meat is also properties dbon the cardiovascular system. It will work favorably on the work of the heart. Will help in controlling cholesteroland thus can reduce the risk of developing diseases, such as Atherosclerosis, heart failure, veins, hypertension.
Eating a guinea fowl will take a large share not only when building and proper muscle work, but also in the construction of the skeletal system. Will take care of good bone density, preventing their damage and fractures. Same will support the correct state of teethincreasing their resistance to caries.
Why don’t we eat meat from the guinea fowl? Due to poor availability in supermarkets and a high price (approx. 60-70 PLN per kg). Fresh or frozen guinea fowl can be bought in good meat stores, also via the internet, to a farmer or breeder.
Pearls should be eaten by people who struggle with obesityhigh cholesterol results or those who struggle with cardiovascular disease. The meat is very easily digestible and provides little fat. Thanks to this low caloric cost, it will be saturated for a long time, Supporting dropping unnecessary kilograms. Will affect Depressing cholesterol in the blood, and thus reduce blood pressure.
Eating a guinea fowl is also recommended people suffering from diabetes. This type of poultry will improve their results and prevent glycemic fluctuations after a meal eaten.
The large amount of protein in perliczka makes it Athletes should eat it. The valuable ingredient will take part in the process Reconstruction and muscle regeneration. Low caloric content will allow you to properly maintain a diet and calculated kilocalories.
The guinea fowling is best suited as a component of the main course for dinner. It can be with such an idea baked, fried or even cooked. However, it should be remembered that too long baked or fried guinea fowl can get dry. It is best to serve it in the presence of baked potatoes or cream purée.
Perlicza meat will be well composed with citrus flavors, so it’s worth it make with the addition of orange or lemons. Her aroma will bring out a good spice as thyme, rosemary, marjoram. Puffing meat is also a popular way to serve a guinea fowl cranberry and apples.