Naked for fear of dresses in FKK zones: either you are naked or go away, says German city

by Andrea
Naked for fear of dresses in FKK zones: either you are naked or go away, says German city

Naked for fear of dresses in FKK zones: either you are naked or go away, says German city

Conflicts on naturist beaches disturb Rostock in the Baltic Sea, which is evaluating the imposition of stricter rules to ensure peace among bathers.

Either take off your clothes or leave. This is how the German city of Rostocknear the Baltic Sea, it intends to deal with nudist beaches who insist on walking dresses.

Tired of the conflicts reported between dresses and naked, the authorities want harder rules to guarantee peace in zonas of FKK (Acronym for the term Freikörperkultur, the free body culture, the German version of naturism), such as Warnemünde and Markgrafenheide.

“The stay on FKK beaches is reserved exclusively for free body culture practitioners. It is not allowed to bathe or take sunbathing with dressed clothes“It reads in the text discussed by the Rostock Citizens Council on Wednesday, according to.

Currently, the rule dictates that these spaces are reserved exclusively to naturists, but there is no explicit mention of nudity as a mandatory criterion. If the change in legislation is approved, it will cover 37 beach parts-19 kilometers from the Baltic Sea coast in the state of Western Mecklemburg.

Moritz Naumann of the Rostock and Warnemünde Tourism Office, explained to the German news agency DPA that the change would allow the beach guards to intervene in case of conflicts, and remove those who insist on being dressed in these spaces.

The presence of “others” in these environments is to disturb naturists, who also complain of being photographed or filmed by strangers (dresses) Without consent.

The amendment of the statutes also includes more strict authorization requirements and partial drone use prohibitions, as well as beach riding regulations, explains the German newspaper.

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