Piglets left to starve in an exhibition in Denmark

by Andrea
Piglets left to starve in an exhibition in Denmark

Piglets left to starve in an exhibition in Denmark

“And Now You Care” exhibition by Marco Evaristti in Copenhagen

“And now, worry.” An artist intends to sensitize in Denmark for the suffering caused by pig production, with an art installation, which opened on Friday, which includes three piglets that will be deprived of food and water and will starve.

The Chilean artist Frame Evaristti is generating controversy when talking about the treatment given to pigs in Denmark, where 25,000 piglets die daily As a result of the conditions under which they are created, the Associated Press reported.

The central exhibition of the exhibition “And Now You Care”In Copenhagen is a makeshift cage created with shopping carts containing three piglets.

When the exhibition was inaugurated, this Friday night, They were still finebut the piglets “will not receive food or drinkAnd can starve in a few days.

Evaristti on the social network Instagram that the exhibition “is a confrontation with the Bloody Reality of Denmark”In slaughterhouses, and who asks people to reduce meat consumption and support agriculture that improves animal welfare.

A, the largest and oldest animal welfare organization in Denmark, said it was grateful for Evaristti’s interest in the problem, but disagree with the way you want to convey.

“We perfectly understand the artist’s indignation. But we do not agree that three piglets, three individual living beings, they should be deprived of drinking until Because of that. It is illegal and is abuse of animalsBirgitte Dammspokesman for the organization.

“The fact that this Thousands of animals happen every day in the food industry It doesn’t mean this is right“Damm said, quoted by the Danish newspaper.

To environmentalist However, the artist praised for putting “the big questions about Who we are like human beings or want to beand what we are doing to our fellow men in the name of huge amounts of cheap meat produced in mass. ”

DAMM explained that nuts are created in the Danish pork industry to produce about 20 piglets at a time, but have only 14 teatsforcing the piglets to compete for breast milk, which leads many to starve.

Also underlined about 25,000 piglets die every day of hunger or as a result of the conditions under which they are kept in Denmark.

It is It is not the first controversial project of Evaristti. A year ago, in one of his projects, which he named Moulinex Optiblend 2000the Chilean artist put GOLDEN FISH IN LIXIFIERSthen asking spectators to carry a button to create a golden fish soup.

One hour after the event starts, One of the spectators loaded the button – causing death of two fish.

A installationwhich took place at Trapholt Art Museum, Kolding, Denmark, was interrupted by the policebut the director of the museum, Peter Meyer, refused cancel The event.

The subsequent accusation of cruelty to animals was challenged in a long and very advertised judgmentin which specialized witnesses evaluated How many seconds the mixed fish would have diedremember.

A representative of the liquidifiers manufacturer estimated that the fish would have died in a secondwhich was corroborated by a vet.

In 2006, Evaristti Used part of your own body fat removed by liposuction to prepare meatballs and then ate some of them.

Described the project called “Marco’s fat meatballs”As a critique of people who consume too much and then buy their way to thinness with liposuction and, at the same time, an attempt to transcend the taboo from cannibalism.

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