States that may lose vacancies received $ 1 billion in amendments

by Andrea

If the camera follows the 2022 census, 7 benches lose chairs; Motta tries to negotiate with the STF so that there is only an increase

The states that may lose vacancies, when the number of congressmen is adjusted to the 2022 census, received R $ 1 billion in amendments in 2024.

The data were consulted at the Transparency Portal (Comptroller General of the Union), on the morning of Thursday (27.FEV.2025). There are also the transfers of senators, but they were not considered in the survey of the Poder360.

In August 2023, the Federal Supreme Court that the House distributes the number of seats by deputies proportionate to the population of each state in Census 2022. The house has until June 30, 2025 to make the adjustment, otherwise the (Superior Electoral Court) will be in charge of the task.

It was a unanimous decision of the Supreme, in ADI (direct unconstitutionality) presented by the Government of Pará, a state that would benefit from more chairs. The adjustment will have to be done by complementary law.

If the review follows the result of the census, 7 states lose 14 deputies and another 7 earn 14 because of their respective reductions and increases in the population. With this, there is no change in the total number of chairs in the house.

Read the changes in the infographics below:

States that may lose vacancies received $ 1 billion in amendments

Rio de Janeiro would be the most damaged, with less 4 vacancies. It would go from 46 deputies to 42, but would continue to be the 3rd largest bench of the Chamber, behind São Paulo (70) and Minas Gerais (53).

Bahia, Paraíba, Piauí and Rio Grande do Sul would lose 2 seats each. Already Alagoas and Pernambuco would give one chair each.

Of the R $ 1.072 billion paid to these states in amendments, Rio de Janeiro got R $ 357.7 million (33.4%). Bahia, which would go from 39 to 37 deputies, received R $ 326 million (30.4%).

The mayor, (Republicans-PB), in an interview with the radio Arapuan FM who will try to negotiate with the Supreme Court so that these benches are not harmed and the house is only going to increase the number of deputies of those who had population growth.

The state of the president, Paraíba, is one of those who would lose vacancies. The indication is that the proposal to increase without reducing the states that have lost inhabitants is a Motta priority after the carnival recess. The House returns to activities on March 11.

If the idea of ​​Motta prospering, the House will go from 513 federal deputies to 527, because there will be no population adjustment to the states that had the population reduced.

Together, these federative units received $ 955 million in amendments.


The deputy (MDB-SC) is the author of the (complementary bill) that redistribute the chairs according to Census 2022. The text is in the CCJ (Commission of Constitution and Justice) and advanced in 2024 because the collegiate was chaired by the Santa Catarina (PL-SC). The progress now depends on the definition of the next president.

With an eye on the gain of 4 vacancies to Santa Catarina, Pezenti is against the idea of ​​Motta. For him, the House would have the proportionality impaired if only states that have grown are changed.

“It’s absurd, a slap in the face of the Brazilian. He wants to consult the Supreme Court, but has to consult the population. Who pays the bill is the population. We are already 513, does the people agree to put 14 more vacancies in the House? ”he declared.

Pezenti states that states that earn deputies lose in proportionality if there is no reduction in benches that had the population quantity decreased. “Who has to define how many deputies each bench is not the politicians, it is the algorithm”these.

The deputy’s project states that the updating of the number of congressmen be done automatically when there is a new census.

For Pezenti, there is on the part of those who do not want to reduce the benches the regional interest. He quotes Paraíba, from Motta. “The money that is going to Paraíba in parliamentary amendments, for example, should not have gone to Paraíba, they do not deserve, by the number of inhabitants, should be going to states that need greater representation ”these.

The deputy said he is working to convince colleagues to support his project, but still deals with the uncertainty of those who will command the CCJ. The tendency is to stay with União Brasil.


The experts heard by Poder360 They stated that the increase of deputies without reducing benches is constitutional and the project that should be presented with increased congressmen to 527 would have no problems of legality.

“The Federal Constitution, in its article 45, only provides for a maximum and minimum number of deputies per state, without setting a total number. It is the current Complementary Law 78 which provides for a total number of 513, so another complementary law can raise this number, provided it respects a maximum of 70 and a minimum of 8 per state ”said the lawyer and teacher Marcos César Gonçalves, expert in public law.

Pedro Paulo de Medeiros, specializing in Constitutional Law, also does not see irregularities in the idea of ​​Motta. “When he says he just wants to increase, he is doing nothing different from what the Constitution says, because she says the House will be integrated by representatives of states proportionally to populations.”he declared.

But he warned of the need to observe proportionality and suggests attention to the minimum number of deputies per state. “It has to guarantee the minimum because, if not less populous states would be sub -reported. The most populous and developed states would be increasingly developed and less developed, less and less developed. So you would increase the disparity ”these.

The lawyer and teacher Cezar Eduardo Ziliotto said that the president’s proposal “It has no violence from the legal point of view”but the simple increase in chairs creates a “Risky premise”. “If we express this argument, in a little while there will be 3,000 deputies and always increasing”he said.

Read below how are the state benches today:

  • SP: 70
  • MG: 53
  • RJ: 46
  • BA: 39
  • RS: 31
  • PR: 30
  • PE: 25
  • CE: 22
  • MA: 18
  • GO: 17
  • PA: 17
  • SC: 16
  • PB: 12
  • ES: 10
  • PI: 10
  • AL: 9
  • AC: 8
  • AM: 8
  • AP: 8
  • DF: 8
  • MS: 8
  • MT: 8
  • RN: 8
  • RO: 8
  • RR: 8
  • Se: 8
  • TO: 8

And how would the 2022 census go if they followed:

  • SP: 70
  • MG: 54
  • RJ: 42
  • BA: 37
  • RS: 29
  • PR: 30
  • PE: 24
  • CE: 23
  • MA: 18
  • GO: 18
  • PA: 21
  • SC: 20
  • PB: 10
  • ES: 10
  • PI: 8
  • AL: 8
  • AC: 8
  • AM: 10
  • AP: 8
  • DF: 8
  • MS: 8
  • MT: 9
  • RN: 8
  • RO: 8
  • RR: 8
  • Se: 8
  • TO: 8

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