Legendary Czech actress Jiřina Bohdalová (93) In recent months, they have been troubled by serious health problems that have resulted in surgery. Despite the fact that he was not right, she became a special guest at the Lucie Bílej Theater, where she told a funny story, the portal said.
According to available information Bohdalová underwent an operation on January 15. It took place without complications. The enlarged thyroid gland was significantly blocked by the airways. Despite the fact that only a few days passed after the procedure, it did not hesitate and attended the planned performance. As she said herself is From “old school” and always keeps what it promises.
During the interview, she decided to share the spectators about the story that laughed them. In the past, she went to the funeral of the artist and director of animated films Zdeněk Smetana († 90). “I came to ghosts and there were four people. Like me, they were ecstatic where they are others. So I thought that I won’t wait there, I went out to ask the porter where Smetana has it, “ She started at the beginning.
“The porter says,” It is possible that in a small ceremonial hall in the Olšanské cemeteries. ” Of course I went to the ghosts by car, but I was agreed with the driver to go for coffee and meet in half an hour, “ Bohdalová explained.
“But I had nothing with me at all, neither a phone nor a crown so the driver nowhere And I had no way to get to the small hall that is somewhere else, ”she described a misunderstanding at the last farewell to the author of the fairy tales of Kremiek and Chocholúšik.
However, Jiřina did not give up and responded promptly. “Suddenly a glazed funeral passed through me. So I waved it, the driver stopped and I say: “Please, don’t you go to Olšany?” And he said yes, so let me start, ” She stated, relieved her to say goodbye to a loved one.
There was a funny moment at an unexpected moment. “So I crawled there and we barely ran, The driver rang the phone. He took it and says, “I can’t now, I take Bohdalka to the Olšanské cemeteries,” She added to amused the whole audience.