We still forget about it, and it is much healthier than yogurt. And supports weight loss

by Andrea
We still forget about it, and it is much healthier than yogurt. And supports weight loss

Buttermilk has been somewhat forgotten And suppressed by kefir, drinking yogurt and skyry. In the past she visited almost every home. Now that rarely anyone does butter yourself, the drink is not so popular, but wrongly. Is it really worth replacing it with kefir?

Both buttermilk and kefir are drinks rich in nutritional. Kefir has a high content B vitamins, vitamins D and valuable calcium. For this it has lactic acid bacteria. But buttermilk, besides, it will deliver to the body vitamins A, E, proteins, phospholipidsmagnesium and potassium.

Whether buttermilk or kefir is better to drink, It depends on what we expect. Being on a slimming diet, it is definitely better to reach for buttermilk. In 100 g it has only 40 kcalKefir has 75 kcal. The difference may seem small, but it can have a huge impact on the weight if we drink such dairy products in considerable quantities.

What’s more, buttermilk is better than kefir on a low -fat diet. Kefir will deliver as much as 4.1 g of fat to the body, and the same A portion of buttermilk only 0.9 g. Both of these drinks will reduce cholesterol after all, but Pita buttermilk regularly will affect the test results much better.

Additionally buttermilk, compared to kefir, abounds in lecithin. The ingredient prevents cholesterol molecules to attach to the walls of blood vessels and prevents them from being accumulated.

Buttermilk is a drink that is a source B vitamins, vitamins A, D, E, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Same as in Kefir, it contains useful in it lactic acid bacteria.

In this way, buttermilk has invaluable properties for the digestive system. It will regulate digestive processes and will take care of the intestinal microflora. It will prevent inflammation of this system, combat diarrhea, heartburn or bloating.

Anti -inflammatory properties of buttermilk are not only benefits for the digestive system. This function It will support the resistance of the whole bodyreducing the risk of illness. This applies to both colds and more serious diseases, e.g. a cardiovascular system.

The fact that the heart will also take care of the fact that Pita buttermilk regularly can lower cholesterol. It is thanks to the phospholipid content that increases fat solubility from eaten dishes. Meaning that prevent the accumulation of cholesterol deposits and the development of, among others atherosclerosis.

Such action will also allow slimming support. A large amount of protein will also affect simpler weight dropping thanks to buttermilk. Thanks to this, the drink will saturate for a long time and prevent eating between meals.

Calcium in buttermilk will allow you to keep strong, healthy bones and teeth. It will increase their density and improve fracture resistance. Therefore, it will protect from osteoporosis.

One should not forget that vitamin B and magnesium in buttermilk can improve the work of the nervous system. Drink will support memory, concentrationlearning ability. It will improve mood and well -being.

Buttermilk for wide use in the kitchen. It fits potato or other vegetable cakes, potatoes with dill or fried onion, potatoes with fried egg. It can be made of fruit smoothie, cooler, dressing or marinade to MiC. Buttermilk is also suitable as a sourdough for bread or a dough addition.

Source: Smher.pl, Terazpoczy.pl


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