A member of the freight of the freighter was disappeared and the searches came to an end
The fire caused by the collision between two ships, one of which with Portugal Pavilion, in the North Sea is still underway, the British port authorities said.
The “Stena Immaculate” tanker chartered by the US Army was anchored about 16 kilometers from the city of Hull, Yorkshire, on the East Coast of the United Kingdom ,.
The collision caused a large fire and a paraffin escape.
A member of the freighter crew was missed missing and the searches came to an end, the British coast guard announced.
“After an intensive search, unfortunately it was not found and the searches ended,” said Matthew Atkinson, commander of the British Coast Guard division.
The incident, which arouses fears of environmental damage, occurred on Monday morning triggering a rescue operation coordinated by the British coastal guard, to help the crew of ships in flames and surrounded by smoke columns.
The causes of the incident are yet to determine.
According to the US operator of the anchored tank ship, the “Stena Immulate” was hit by the “Solong” contractors.
One of the tanks of “Stena Immaculate”, which contained Paraffin, broke, said the operator, adding that the entire crew managed to leave the ship.
The Portuguese flag freighter was carrying an unknown amount of alcohol and 15 sodium cyanide containers, a flammable and highly toxic gas, according to the specialized portal Lloyd’s List Intelligence.
A spokesman for British Prime Minister Keir Stmerer has described the situation as extremely worrying, while the coastal guard is still evaluating the situation to decide which pollution measures can be adopted following the collision.