Every year for Easter I make mayonnaise from the recipe of Magda Gessler. Thick, creamy, with a unique taste

by Andrea
Every year for Easter I make mayonnaise from the recipe of Magda Gessler. Thick, creamy, with a unique taste

Traditional mayonnaise is prepared by combining egg yolks and vegetable oil. Spices are added to the resulting emulsion, e.g. vinegar, lemon, salt and pepper. Such a sauce works both for hard -boiled eggs, stuffed eggs, as well as all salads.

The store mayonnaise is tasty, but this one home pierces everythingespecially if it is made From the recipe of Magda Gessler. The restaurateur met this recipe when she lived in Spain. Therefore It is a bit different from the mayonnaise we know.

Homemade mayonnaise of Magda Gessler is lighter than traditional mayonnaise. It is prepared from basic ingredients such as oil, eggs, vinegar. Its taste is enriched with a sharp Russian mustard. Definitely an unusual ingredient is milk that serves to harden the emulsion.

The preparation of homemade mayonnaise from Magda Gessler’s recipe takes literally a moment. Whereas You need to use it blender. However, if we do not have it in our equipment, a whisk will also work, but then there will be a little more work. The effect is definitely worth the effort.

Magda Gessler mayonnaise you will do in less than 5 minutes. It comes out amazing Thick, velvety and creamy. The taste is clearly noticeable by eggs that successfully breaks the sharp mustard. This gives a bit spicy, changing the taste of the sauce known to everyone. I do every Easter, and my family is delighted.


  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 cups of rapeseed oil,
  • 2 tablespoons of Russian mustard,
  • 3 tablespoons of spirit vinegar,
  • 5 tablespoons of cold milk,
  • sun,
  • pepper.

Method of performance:

Pick up eggs to the blender bowl and add oil. Add right away mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Blend the whole to a homogeneous, smooth mass. Whipping should take about 4 minutes. Finally, into a bowl Gradually add a spoonful of milk. Beat the whole again, moving the up-down blender.

Homemade mayonnaise from the recipe of Magda Gessler He is ready. You can eat it immediately after preparation.

Source: Smher.pl, Terazpoczy.pl

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