The Federal Supreme Court (STF) has on the agenda this Wednesday (12) the trial on the Requirements for performing vasectomy and ligation in Brazil. It is currently necessary to be at least 21 years old or two living children.
The ministers began the analysis in November, when the rapporteur of the case, Nunes Marques, voted in favor of maintaining the minimum age for sterilization procedures in 21 years.
Flávio Dino accompanied the understanding of the rapporteur and Cristiano Zanin asked for a view, which suspended the trial. Thus, the plenary already has two votes against the PSB proposal to authorize surgeries from 18 years.
The current age was fixed in 2023 by the National Congress. Before, it was necessary to be 25 years old.
Another change at the time was the end of the spouse’s authorization requirement to perform the procedure, in addition to the permission to be done in women at delivery to avoid a new surgery.
For this, it is necessary for the woman to formally register the desire to do the procedure 60 days before delivery.
Despite these changes, the PSB also questions the state’s competence to impose restrictions, such as age or quantity of children, for the voluntary sterilization process.