Coffee with egg Unusual and unpopular connection in our country. Let this vision not reject you because it is a real delicacy abroad. Try this unique drink, and at the same time use its health properties.
In many corners of the world, breakfast looks very similar – eggs in any form and coffee. However, the Swedes decided to combine these two things, and as a result coffee with egg was created. In the Scandinavian version of the drink The egg is used as a clarifying agent to strengthen and refine the black infusion.
Swedish coffee is prepared through adding the entire, broken egg, along with the shell and mixing it with ground coffee. Pour hot water into the mixture, and when the whole brews, strain the drink through a strainer. As a result, the stimulating drink is to taste much better.
The egg added to the coffee is aimed at getting rid of pollutants from infusion. Thanks to this, the coffee becomes healthier, and for this less bitter and sour than usual. Its consistency is more creamy and smooth.
Coffee with eggs is not only taste and sensitive values. It is also wealth vitamins A, E, D, K, WitamiNZ Group B. In addition, it will provide valuable phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesiumand even fatty acids omega-3 i omega-6.
As a result Coffee with egg will work great on the mind. It will stimulate the body to act, improve concentration and absorb new things. In addition, it can help improve short -term memory.
Regular drinking of egg with egg can help losing unnecessary kilograms and unwanted bacon. Caffeine from a drink will reduce the feeling of hunger, which will prevent unhealthy snacks between meals. What’s more, metabolism will be acceleratedreducing the amount of constipation and removing intestinal deposits.
Coffee with egg has properties protecting the liver against damage. The organ will also be protected from fatty, because the drink will remove excess cholesterol and support in maintaining its normal level in the blood. For this reason, it will also work well for the heart and the whole circulatory system.
We need to make coffee with an egg minced coffee, eggs and water. From kitchen equipment we will use a small saucepan and a thick strainer.
It should be first burn the egg with boiling waterwhich will eliminate unwanted pathogens and bacteria from the shell. We boil a glass of water in a saucepan. At this time, in a separate dish, mix the coffee thoroughly with all the broken egg. You have to remember to add shells.
When the water boils, we reduce the fire and Add the egg and coffee mixture to the saucepan. We cook the whole thing for 3 minutes. When the coffee grounds begin to break into one mass and float up, the pot is removed from the heat.
We add a glass of cold water and coffee to the infusion, We leave for 10 minutes. During this time, coffee grounds should fall completely. Then pour the drink through a thick strainer. Coffee with egg in Swedish is ready to drink.