The full rivers because of the large volume of rainfall already affect several cities in the state of Acre and, amid sad scenes of families affected by the flood, the beauty of nature creates a bittersweet contrast for those who can calmly observe it.
The images were recorded by photographer Marcos Santos/Photo: Marcos Santos
The meeting between the Juruá and Moa rivers, in the second largest city in the state, Cruzeiro do Sul, is one of these unique beauty scenarios that arise during the river flood period in Acre.
The barrentic waters of Juruá follows the almost insurmountable Darkness of Moa after the river exceeded the 13m transhipment quota, which has already reached 13.40m during this Saturday (15)
The visual effect is very similar to what happens between the black rivers and solimões, which occur in Manaus, the state of Amazonas, where the brothers rivers follow for about 6km before they actually mix and form the Amazon.