First 3D Train Station will be built in just six hours

by Andrea
First 3D Train Station will be built in just six hours

First 3D Train Station will be built in just six hours

Prototype of the first 3D train station

The world’s first 3D printed 3D train station will be built in just six hours in the city of Arida (Wakayama Province) in Japan.

Printed architecture continues to gain strength, with all kinds of projects to be created with this growing technology.

One of the most sonrant examples of this technology is a New Train Station in Japan, which will be built in just six hours.

The work is being created by West Japan Railway Companytogether with the JR West Innovations e Serendix.

As the Hatsushima station remembers is not an ambitious building of multiple floors, but a small and simple structure. It will have a height of 2.6 meters, a width of 6.3 meters and a depth of 2.1 meters.

“The station will be made of reinforced concrete, is durable and corrosion resistant,” West Japan Railway Company.

“Compared to conventional prefabricated construction methods, it does not use formwork, allowing greater freedom of modeling and greater conception flexibility“, Cita and New Atlas.

The station will be built in approximately six hourson March 25 – between the last train of the day and the first train of the next day.

How is it built so fast?

As the statement explains, first, the actual structure of the shelter will be built in parts, in a factory using a normal 3D printerwhich will extrud a mixture similar to the cement of a layer nozzle to build the necessary forms.

Then, when these printed parts are ready, they will be transported to the site and mounted using a crane. It is this assembly process that will only take a few hours. On the other hand, it is not known how much the printing process takes.

If all goes well and the station proves to be so economical and maintenance -free as expected, the West Japan Railway Company intends to expand the project and create more 3D printed stations elsewhere in Japan to replace aged structures.

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