Revealed secrets of Putin’s DNA. There are genetic evidence of paranoia

by Andrea
Revealed secrets of Putin's DNA. There are genetic evidence of paranoia

Aleksey Nikolskyi / EPA

Revealed secrets of Putin's DNA. There are genetic evidence of paranoia

Investigation involved hackers, genetics experts, historians, psychiatrists and experts in Moscow.

A Vladimir Putin Health It is one of its various secrets. The president of Russia hides data, analysis, eventual operations.

Early on, a possibility arose: the president of Russia would be sick, perhaps with serious problems; And it has exceeded the average life expectancy of a Russian man – who is just over 68 years old, and now Putin is 72 years old.

These are all possibilities, theories. But now, for the first time, important data about Vladimir Putin is revealed: genetic secrets.

Even in this the Russian President has been careful: even his urine and his feces are kept, almost as if they were secrets of state.

Farida Rustamova, a Russian policy expert and former BBC journalist, had already reported that Putin TAKES YOUR HOUSE FOR TRAVELING ABOVE For years.

And he added that while traveling through Russia, Russian president’s security guards clean everything if necessary.

“The agents of the Federal Guards Service (FSO) that accompany Vladimir Putin abroad collect urine and feces of the president in bags and deliver us to Moscow in a special suitcase.

Sometimes it is Special Bat House installedprivate, only for the president of Russia, when he is on a official visit.

And with the right to Escorts:

Now the portal reveals its genetic composition, through an analysis of your Nephew Mikhail Putin, Blood relative.

Its DNA was examined thanks to an investigation that involved hackersexperts in genetics, historians, psychiatrists and experts from Moscow.

It was complicated to reach this point: a lot of information about Putin’s family (and friends) has been erased from their official biography in the last 25 years.

Mikhail’s genetic data, analyzed in Moscow, revealed some alarming data: “In the decoded DNA data we access, we saw a section labeled with alarming genetic mutations – including including paranoia”, He warned Dmytro MykyTenko, a medical genetics expert.

“Some people are naturally more resilient, others the social environment matters a lot. Given the absolute power, can anyone genetically vulnerable“ lose contact with reality. ”This can be hereditary? present feature ”, detailed.

Putin has already been seen shakesometimes. There is possible connection with the nephew, which has a high risk of Dupuytren’s deance – which causes deformities inside the palms.

“It starts with nodules, eventually deforming your fingers. The exact cause is unknown, but it is clearly hereditary – usually affecting men after the 45.

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