Were you born to command? These 5 zodiac signs are perfect for leadership

by Andrea

Were you born to command? There are people who know it from an early age: those who set up the football teams in the courtyard at school, those who established the rules of the games, those who (without anyone asked him) took the situation in his hand when the class became a chaos. It plays you familiar? Then you could be one of the zodiac signs with the leadership in the DNA.

Astrology is not an exact science, but it is curious to see how certain traits repeat themselves among people of the same sign. Some seem really born to guide, to make decisions and to influence those around them. But who are the real leaders of the zodiac? If you think everyone can be garments, you are wrong: some people have been born for this role, others do not. And the fault – or the merit – could be written in the stars.

Let’s discover together the five zodiac signs that seem to have an extra gear when it comes to leadership. Who knows, maybe there is yours too!

Leone: the king of leadership, born to command

If you think about Leonethink of someone immediately who knows how to get noticed. Born under this sign are charismatic, confident and have a natural talent in directing others. Their secret? Simple: people listen to them. Perhaps it is for their way of speaking, for their magnetic presence or for that air from “quiet, I know how to do it” that makes them incredibly convincing.

Don’t get me wrong: a lion is not just an authoritarian garment he loves to command (even if, let’s face it, he likes it a little). They are also generous leaders, who want to see others grow and shine. Too bad that, in the end, they shine more and more than all.

Capricorn: the boss that never stands out

If there is someone who knows how to get to the top, that’s the Capricorn. Disciplined, strategic and incredibly determined, this sign does not waste time in chatter. While the others are still deciding what to order at the restaurant, he has already booked, chosen the wine and organized the account perfectly.

The leadership of Capricorn is based on two principles: competence e dedication. If you want a leader who never gives up and who knows how a goal is achieved, he is the right person. The only problem? Sometimes it is forgotten that others do not have its own resistance and ends up expecting too much from everyone.

Aries: the tireless innovator of the leadership

L’Aries It is the classic leader who is not afraid to throw himself. If there is a new idea, an exciting project or an impossible challenge, he is the first to say “let’s do it!”. This sign is guided by pure energy, by the desire to test yourself and the need to always be a step forward.

And Leader Aries is a volcano of idea e motivation. His enthusiasm is contagious and knows how to drag his team into companies that seemed impossible. Of course, sometimes it is a little impulsive and part before having checked if there is a parachute, but the truth is that it has a courage that few can equal.

Scorpio: the strategic leader (and a little feared)

If there is a leader who knows exactly what to do and when to do it, that’s it Scorpio. This sign always plays in advance:

  • Reads situations and understands people.
  • He knows perfectly how to move to get what he wants.
  • It is not satisfied with the surface and always wants the best.

The Leader Scorpions do not accept mediocrity and demand the 110%. If you prove to be up to par, you will have a garment that will take you higher than you could imagine.

Libra: the diplomatic garment

And then there is the Balancethe leader who knows how to keep everyone united. If you have ever worked with a garment that seems to always have the perfect solution for each conflict, it was probably born under this sign. Libra is the quintessence of balance, he knows how to listen to everyone and make decisions that agree even the most difficult people.

And Libra leader does not impose his will, but convinces with reasoning. Sometimes it may seem a little too undecided, but the truth is that it is simply evaluating all the options. And, in the end, he always finds the right one.

And you? Do you have the leader’s fabric?

If your sign is among these five, congratulations: you have excellent chances of being a natural leader. ** But remember, the stars can suggest, but don’t decide. There vera leadership It is not just a matter of zodiac signbut of experience, character e will. So, regardless of your sign, if you want to be a leader, start acting as such.

What if your sign is not on this list? Well, don’t worry: the world also needs those who know how to follow intelligently.

Astrological signs leaderAstrological signs leader

After all, without a good team, even the best leader does not go anywhere.

Photo © Stock.adobe


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