The updated version of the “in case of crisis or war” pamphlet that the Nordic citizens began to receive at their mailboxes last year. Now it is the turn of the French.
After the Swedes, Norwegians, Finnish and Danes, the French will receive a 20 -page pamphlet on their mailboxes explaining what to do in case of imminent threat. Only Bayrou’s endorsement is missing.
The French government intends to send, until next summer, a Survival Manual To all families in the country to prepare the population for serious crises that can manifest in various ways, including armed conflicts.
The leaflet, according to, has 20 pages where the government describes the essentials to take in case of imminent threat. In the face of an increasing number of threats, whether it is armed conflicts, of natural catastrophs or from sanitary crisesthe authorities want to sensitize the French to be prepared. Government source explains to French radio: “The purpose of this document is to ensure the resilience of populations in the face of all kinds of crisis, whether natural, technological, cyber or security.”
A guide with three parts
The manual is divided into three sections. The first, “Protect-se”focuses on solidarity and essential precautionary measures. Encourages people to constitute a “Basic survival kit” With drinking water, canned foods, batteries, a flashlight and essential medicines. The manual will recommend that this kit also put a pocketknife, photocopies of personal documents, hot clothes, copies of the keys of the house and car and… games, to spend the time in case of confinement.
The second part, “What to do in case of alert”indicates behaviors to adopt in case of different crises, such as a nuclear accident or an attack, and even displays emergency numbers and radio frequencies to follow in case of catastrophe.
Lastly, the third section, “Participate”promotes civic participation. Explains how to adhere to a reserve force, be it military, digital or local.
O Leaflet is inspired by a Swedish initiative preparation for a possible war. In November, Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian citizens – the latter two, with land borders with Russia – began to receive pamphlet boxes similar to what the French will receive.
read in the small yellow pamphlet of the Swedish government. The pamphlet had already been distributed when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, but is now double the size and advice.
The project is in validation phase and lacks the approval of Prime Minister François Bayrou. Currently, two titles are being studied: one neutral, “crisis training manual”, and another more motivator, centered on resilience.
Tomás Guimarães, Zap //