The Supreme Administrative Court has ruled that the false mathematics teacher does not have to return salaries of 350,000 euros she received, while teaching to the Ministry of Education.
This, Paula Pinto Pereira, was discovered after anonymous complaintsand after giving classes for more than three decades in public education in Portugal, despite not having a college degree.
The Ministry of Education did not require the teacher all the salaries he received throughout his professional career as a teacher, but only “the part regarding the difference between the maturity corresponding to the skills he really had and those he claimed to possess,” as a note what the Court’s decision consulted.
However, the Supreme Administrative Court understands that the Ministry did not present “No legal norm” to “justify” the calculations presented, “not even to frame this return of amounts to the state”.
Thus, he decided in favor of the teacher, concluding that “ Legal motivation is insufficient“, As an appointment or public.
The decision is still subject to appeal to the Supreme, or even for the Constitutional Court.
However, Paula Pinto Pereira continues to be the target of a crime that runs in the Public Prosecution Service (MP), by Suspected Qualified Burla.
If the MP advances with an accusation, the Ministry of Education expects compensation to be requested on behalf of the state.
However, the false teacher continues to try to nullify its expulsion of teachingwhich surprises the counselors of the Supreme Administrative Court.
In the judgment of his decision, the counselors stress that “he does not have the literary qualifications legally required to practice and integrate the teaching career staff, having delivered to the purpose False qualification certificates – Bachelor, degree and master’s degree ”.
How did you deceive so many people and for so long?
Paula Pinto Pereira started teaching as provisional teacher In the late 1980s, when I was still taking the Mathematics Teaching Course at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
But during the eight years he was in the course, he only got Approval in nine disciplines3 of the bachelor’s degree and six undergraduate – just to complete the bachelor’s degree, needed 23 chairs.
In 1988, it presented the First False Certificate At Barreiro Secondary School, when he had only completed three subjects, but “claimed the completion of 12”, notes the report of the General Education (IgE) cited by the public.
A year later, he went to Daniel Sampaio Secondary School in Sobrada, Caparica, where he remained even discovered.
The IgE considers, in that report, that “the school proceeded according to the legal procedures in verifying the certificates of qualifications of the teacher”, stressing that “in 1988, 1990 and 1993, received and filed in the individual process of the teacher documents that appear to be authenticfor having a white seal ”.
False Master was worth it 2000 euros per month
In 2002, the false teacher again presented a fake certificate attesting to the conclusion of a Master with 18 values grade at the University of Madeira.
Thanks to this fake certificate, it got a four -year career progressionand the consequent Increase of 2000 euros liquids per month.
Paula Pereira Pinto was also co-author of school manuals For students, and for teachers, some of whom were certified by the Portuguese Mathematics Society.