Storm: And now who pays? Who is the responsibility?

by Andrea
Storm: And now who pays? Who is the responsibility?

Miguel A. Lopes/Lusa

Storm: And now who pays? Who is the responsibility?

Cars destroyed by depression Martinho

Depression Martin caused damage in many parts of the country. Municipal and insurance chambers can be able to “escape”.

A Depression Martin left a trail of undoing A little all over the country, causing even injured at least in Lisbon.

Trees and containers on the floor, cut roads, closed schools, homes without light, even spoiled stadiums; Hundreds of occurrences, thousands of phone calls for firefighters.

Especially last Thursday, they were immense and causing damage-which will now be who?

In many cases residents point their finger at City Council. Or because of a poorly assembled structure, or in an improper place, or a tree that should have already been pruned or cut.

As the complainant must remember, the complainant must have evidence From the damage, namely photographs.

But even so, then the question arises: it was neglect of the House, or a Extreme Phenomenon of Nature And would damage never avoided?

Susana Correia, Jurist of Deco Proteste, explains that you need to see if, at the scene of the damage, there was a tree or a wall that was “signaled for a long time”, needing maintenance. Even after this, it is necessary prove the direct relationship with the damage.

In relation to insurers, it has to read the contract well: The policy, the type of coverage, the franchise. Even in the insurance multi-Christ, It is necessary to read what are “nature phenomena” in the contract in question and peeking the exclusions.

It’s just that a policy that also covers extreme phenomena of nature is more expensive – so many customers don’t opt ​​for this way.

Deco Proteste thinks there should be a catastrophe For these situations where the border between neglect or extreme phenomenon gives rise to many doubts.

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