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“From Joana Marques there was no proposal” in view of the request for millionaire compensation for the controversial humorous montage. Double musical and comedian go to court.
The judicial process that puts in front of the duo Anjos and the humorist Joana Marques It will advance to court, since all attempts at extrajudicial agreement have failed, reveals the judge responsible for the case to.
According to the judge, “the possibility of agreement came out” and a source linked to the brothers Sérgio and Nelson Rosado who make up the angels confirms that “From Joana Marques there was no proposal”.
The musicians require comedian compensation for more than one million euros because of a parody published on social networks.
Let us go back on April 24, 2022, when angels played the national anthem, “the Portuguese” in the start of a MotoGP race at the Algarve International Race Track in Portimão.
The interpretation, which was also affected by technical problems, became viral on social networks and Joana Marques, who was part of the juror of SIC’s “Idols” program, took the moment to make a humorous montage involving the duo. “Is this what was made for April 25?” He asked.
The duo did not like the game and, in June of that year, to demand compensation for One million and 118 thousand euros.
“It is a process that is taking place in court that is the headquarters of these situations. We regret that it has come to this point. It is serious! I believe that they know us well and know that we are not people of revenge or discord. It was something that hurt us a lotit moved a lot with us, as well as with our team and our families, ”said Banda Nélson Rosado at the time to TV Mais magazine.
“It had nothing to do with the ‘extremely unpleasant,” said Nelson Rosado about the process.
“It was something that happened and was digital, but it was not a highly harmful impact. And it is important for people to realize once and for all that with little or little visibility, in digital cannot write, say or do everything they wantnot even hurt the others, ”he added.
“We were educated to respect others. We are people of Concordia and not discord. We did not live in scandals and we wanted this situation to have reached this point. We tried everything, but on the other side there was an irreducible part. We had no other alternative,” he concluded.
According to other sources close to the process, the “angels” tried to contact Joana Marques to remove the video from the internet, but got no response. They also claim that the situation caused them professional damage, from concert cancellations to loss of sponsorship and hate messages.