Eggs from chickens are not as popular as the ordinary chicken or even quail. It is a pity, because they are one of the healthiest chicken eggs that you can eat. Their rich nutritional composition translates into a great impact on the body. Find out whether the eggs from the chicken green -legged chickens are healthy.
Kuropatviana green -legged hen is a native breed of medium -sized hens. They are easily grown and recommended only for breeding in small herds, on the free range. Pentecost can quickly search for food and is resistant to low temperatures and diseases. It can be bred for eggs and meat. Annually, it tolerates from 140 to 180 eggs.
Eggs from chickens are smaller than traditional. They weigh about 60 grams, while classic can reach a weight of up to 73 grams. Eggs have a bright color – often The shell takes on a greenish colorwhich distinguishes themselves from the eggs of other varieties. The color is due to the presence of dye – biliverdine – which accumulates in the shell when forming egg in the fallopian tube. They have a delicate taste that gourmets appreciate.
Where to buy eggs from a green -legged chicken? Most often they are available for sale from farmers (also online), but their price can then be up to three times higher than in the case of traditional products (approx. PLN 20-30 per 10 pieces). Popular discount stores also put them cyclically on the market – 10 eggs can then be bought at a price of about PLN 10.
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Eggs from chickens are bred not only for taste, but also valuable properties. They are considered super -food that provides necessary nutritional values to the body. Are eggs from the green -legged chickens healthy? By all means.
They are distinguished by a rich composition. Are a significant source of exogenous amino acids (lysozyme, lecithin, cystatin and phosphitin), i.e. those that the body does not produce, and needs to maintain good condition. They also provide vitamins (including A, E, D, K and B12) and minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus). You can also find in them cholesterol (ok. 150 g w 100 g)however, it is about 30 percent. less than in other eggs (approx. 200-250 GW 100 g). What’s more, they contain about 10-12 percent more “good” HDL cholesterol and approx. 14 percent Less of this “bad”, or LDL. They can be distinguished in their composition Healthy fatty acidsincluding from the Omega-3 and Omega-6 groups.
Why is it worth eating eggs from a green -legged chicken? Thanks to amino acids and antioxidants, they have antibacterial, anti -inflammatory and delay the aging of the body. Vitamin D contained in them Supports the immunity and health of the osteoarticular system. In turn, vitamin E, which is a strong antioxidant, affects Healthy and young skin appearance. Vitamin K It improves the blood clotting processand vitamin A – cares about good condition of the organ.
Who should eat eggs from a green -legged chicken? Athletes and people on a slimming diet may reach for themwhich need to supplement the necessary nutritional values, while not providing large portions of calories. They are also recommended for pregnant and children – Due to the rich composition. Also people with hypertension or more sensitive digestive system can include them in the diet.
In the store, we usually reach for available – traditional or favorite – products. However, it is worth breaking the routine from time to time and reaching for something new, especially if the product is healthier than the classically purchased one. What is the difference between the eggs from the green -bridge from ordinary eggs?
- When buying eggs from green -legged, you can be sure that the animals were treated well. It is a breed of birds that shows aggression when it is buried in large herds and closed cages. Eggs come from free -range hens, most often from ecological farms.
- Ordinary eggs are larger than those than the green -legged. This breed of chickens is slightly smaller, which is why it also tolerates smaller eggs. Ordinary eggs also have a darker shell. Eggs from chicken green -legged chickens are brighter And often with a light, greenish color. They also have a larger yolk inside.
- Eggs also differ in taste and nutritional values. Smaller eggs than green -legged ones are more delicate and have less cholesterol. However, they are richer in amino acids, necessary to maintain the correct condition of the body.