The first “biological computer” arrived. Use human brain cells

by Andrea
The first "biological computer" arrived. Use human brain cells

Cortical Labs

The first "biological computer" arrived. Use human brain cells

Biological computer

It is a new and weird computer. The first “synthetic biological intelligence” in the world is performed in living human cells.

The company in question ensures that it is the first biological computer available on the market. Is the “the first biological computer in the world with implementable code ”.

Cortical Labs Australians launched the device CL1, can Perform code in living human brain cells. That is, the first “Synthetic Biological Intelligence” from the world is executed in living human cells.

The device – which describes it as “New and weird computer” – It uses laboratory cultivated neurons in a nutritious environment and integrated with silicon to perform calculations. It has the size of a shoe box.

CL1 combines biological and electronic components to create a new form of “Biological AI”marks the.

Unlike traditional artificial intelligence models, which are based on digital neuronal networks, the Cortical Labs approach uses real human neurons.

These neurons can learn through interaction – And the company has successfully taught a brain cell culture how to play video games.

CL1 develops this work, allowing the code to be performed directly on living neurons to perform tasks that require adaptability and subtle responses.

Those responsible believe that this technology can revolutionize drug tests and neurological investigationby offering a more accurate model of the human brain than traditional methods or animal tests.

Especially because the vast majority of drugs for neurological and psychiatric diseases failure in clinical trials – and this system promises to help to comply with this gap.

It also stands out energy efficiency Of the neurons, which consume only a few watts – much less than conventional AI processors.

From June the news will be available in the market: it will cost 32 thousand euros.

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